03718nam 22008053u 450 991045309940332120210113181226.00-19-935785-40-19-998271-6(CKB)2550000001135844(EBL)1492580(OCoLC)861559404(SSID)ssj0001036922(PQKBManifestationID)12440938(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001036922(PQKBWorkID)11042702(PQKB)11505280(MiAaPQ)EBC1492580(EXLCZ)99255000000113584420140113d2013|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrDigital Dilemmas[electronic resource] Power, Resistance, and the InternetOxford Oxford University Press, USA20131 online resource (285 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-19-998270-8 1-306-04301-8 Cover; Contents; List of Figures; Acknowledgments; 1. Digital Dilemmas; 2. Paradigm Resets: Real-Life and Virtual Reconnections; 3. Who Rules in the "Internet Galaxy"? Battle of the Browsers and Beyond; 4. Can the Subaltern Speak in Cyberspace? Homelessness and the Internet; 5. Who Should Control the Internet? Emerging Publics and Human Rights; 6. Paradigm Reboot: Decolonizing Internet Futures; Notes; Literature List; IndexDigital Dilemmas looks at the dynamics of power and resistance surrounding the internet. It focuses on how publics, nation-states, and multilateral institutions are being continually reinvented in local and global decision-making domains that are accessed and controlled by a relative few. Importantly it unpacks the ways in which computer-mediated power relations play out as ""on the ground"" and ""cyberspatial"" practices and discourses that collude and collide with one another at the personal, community, and transnational level. Case studies include homelessness and the internet, rights-basedCommunication in politics -- Technological innovationsInternet -- Political aspectsInternet governanceOnline social networks -- Political aspectsPolitical participation -- Technological innovationsInternetPolitical aspectsInternet governancePolitical aspectsOnline social networksTechnological innovationsCommunication in politicsTechnological innovationsPolitical participationSociology & Social HistoryHILCCSocial SciencesHILCCSocial ChangeHILCCElectronic books.Communication in politics -- Technological innovations.Internet -- Political aspects.Internet governance.Online social networks -- Political aspects.Political participation -- Technological innovations.InternetPolitical aspectsInternet governancePolitical aspectsOnline social networksTechnological innovationsCommunication in politicsTechnological innovationsPolitical participationSociology & Social HistorySocial SciencesSocial Change302.23/1302.231Franklin M.I883844AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910453099403321Digital Dilemmas1973984UNINA