04720oam 2200637M 450 991045293320332120190225021518.01-351-28215-81-351-28216-61-909493-29-5(CKB)2550000001040370(EBL)1741636(SSID)ssj0001101074(PQKBManifestationID)11628162(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001101074(PQKBWorkID)11062748(PQKB)10559330(MiAaPQ)EBC1741636(Au-PeEL)EBL1741636(CaPaEBR)ebr10650158(OCoLC)828743318(OCoLC)1011120291(OCoLC-P)1011120291(FlBoTFG)9781351282161(EXLCZ)99255000000104037020171110d2017 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrEco-service Development Reinventing Supply and Demand in the European Union /editors, Christine Jasch, Jaap KortmanFirst edition.London :Taylor and Francis,2017.1 online resource (218 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-874719-44-6 Includes bibliographical references.Front cover; Title page; Copyright page; Contents; Preface; 1._Introduction; 2. Research questions and methodology; 3. Definition of the research topic; 4. The situation in Austria, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands; 5. Fields of action for property-independent consumption; 6. Analysis of fields of action; 7. Opportunities for eco-services: outlook; 8. Conclusions and recommendations; Bibliography; Abbreviations; Biographies; Back cover"Sustainable development will not be possible without fundamental improvements in resource productivity and energy efficiency, the adaptation of material flows into natural cycles as well as a radical change in production and consumption patterns. In essence, what is required is not only an ecological approach to product design but also new marketing and consumption patterns for products that can satisfy our needs in a more environmentally sound way. In recent years there has been growing interest in the possibilities of eco-services to achieve some of these aims. Ecologically oriented leasing, renting, pooling and sharing, where the emphasis is placed on the sale of a product's use rather than on the product itself, offer great possibilities for innovation and environmental impact reduction. At the same time, there are opportunities to create new commercial enterprises, produce added value to production and distribution functions, and therefore create jobs. Up until now, however, there has been little research about the state of the art in eco-services, how new services can be developed, what the attitudes of consumers are to services rather than products and what the consequences of such a structural adjustment would be for firms. Eco-service Development addresses this lack of research, first by providing a comprehensive inventory and analysis of current eco-services in four European countries: Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Spain. It then systematically explores the options open to market participants, the potential for environmental impact reduction, potential barriers to eco-services (such as consumer and producer resistance) and, finally, with what political and legal instruments ecologically oriented services can best be promoted. The book analyzes eight consumer sectors - washing, cleaning, cooking, entertainment, gardening, do-it-yourself, mobility and leisure time - from the point of view of both supply and demand and highlights the optimization potential and development perspectives for commercial new use eco-service concepts. This book is the most comprehensive analysis yet published of how eco-services are being implemented and how they could best be encouraged and contains valuable lessons for policy-makers, interested businesses and all those in the academic community searching for ways to dematerialize the economy."--Provided by publisher.Sustainable developmentEuropean Union countriesElectronic books.Sustainable development338.9/4Behrendt Siegfried72651Jasch ChristineKortman JaapHrauda GabrielePfitzner RalfVelte DanielaOCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910452933203321Eco-service Development2254091UNINA04715nam 2200637 450 991081182000332120200520144314.01-78539-787-7(CKB)2670000000612293(EBL)2036170(SSID)ssj0001535296(PQKBManifestationID)11860435(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001535296(PQKBWorkID)11498915(PQKB)11018673(MiAaPQ)EBC2036170(Au-PeEL)EBL2036170(CaPaEBR)ebr11049157(CaONFJC)MIL776945(OCoLC)909903386(PPN)199373388(EXLCZ)99267000000061229320150509h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBasic principles of drug discovery and development /Benjamin E. BlassAmsterdam, [Netherlands] :Academic Press,2015.©20151 online resource (591 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-12-411508-X 0-12-411525-X Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and indexes.Front Cover; Basic Principles of Drug Discovery and Development; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Foreword; Chapter 1 - Drug Discovery and Development: An Overview of Modern Methods and Principles; DRUG DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT FROM 20,000FEET (FIGURE 1.7); TARGET SELECTION: THE FIRST STEP FORWARD; HIT IDENTIFICATION: FINDING A STARTING POINT; IDENTIFY A CLINICAL CANDIDATE: JUGGLING THE PROPERTIES; QUESTIONS; References; Chapter 2 - The Drug Discovery Process: From Ancient Times to the Present Day; THE AGE OF BOTANICALS: PREINDUSTRIAL DRUG DISCOVERYPAUL EHRLICH: THE FATHER OF MODERN DRUG DISCOVERY10MILESTONES IN DRUG DISCOVERY; THE RISE OF BIOLOGICS AND MACROMOLECULAR THERAPEUTICS; SOCIETAL AND GOVERNMENTAL IMPACTS; REGULATORY MILESTONES; FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS IN DRUG DISCOVERY; QUESTIONS; References; Chapter 3 - Classical Targets in Drug Discovery; PROTEIN STRUCTURE; ENZYMES; INHIBITION OF ENZYMES; G-PROTEIN-COUPLED RECEPTORS (GPCRS); ION CHANNELS; MEMBRANE TRANSPORT PROTEINS (TRANSPORTERS); EMERGING TARGETS; QUESTIONS; References; Chapter 4 - In vitro Screening Systems; THE LANGUAGE OF SCREENING: BASIC TERMS; STREPTAVIDIN AND BIOTINBIOCHEMICAL VERSUS CELLULAR ASSAYSASSAY SYSTEMS AND METHODS OF DETECTION; RADIOLIGAND ASSAY SYSTEMS; ENZYME-LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY (ELISA); FLUORESCENCE-BASED ASSAY SYSTEMS; REPORTER GENE ASSAYS; KINETIC FLUORESCENT MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS; LABEL-FREE ASSAY SYSTEMS; ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL PATCH CLAMP; GENERAL CONSIDERATION FOR ALL SCREENING METHODS; QUESTIONS; References; Chapter 5 - Medicinal Chemistry; STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS AND STRUCTURE-PROPERTY RELATIONSHIPS; THE ROLE OF CHIRALITY; PUSH AND PULL IN STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS; QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPSEXEMPLARY ANIMAL MODELS BY DISEASE CATEGORYANIMAL MODELS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE; ANIMAL MODELS OF ONCOLOGY; QUESTIONS; References; Chapter 8 - Safety and Toxicology; SOURCES OF TOXICITY; ACUTE VERSUS CHRONIC TOXICITY; CYTOTOXICITY; CARCINOGENICITY, GENOTOXICITY, AND MUTAGENICITY; DRUG-DRUG INTERACTIONS; CARDIOVASCULAR SAFETY AND TOXICOLOGY STUDIES; CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM SAFETY AND TOXICOLOGY STUDIES; IMMUNE SYSTEM MEDIATED SAFETY ISSUES; TERATOGENICITY; IN VIVO TOXICITY AND SAFETY STUDIES; QUESTIONS; References; Chapter 9 - Basics of Clinical Trials; BEFORE THE CLINIC; DRUG SUPPLYDELIVERY METHODSBasic Principles of Drug Discovery and Development presents the multifaceted process of identifying a new drug in the modern era, providing comprehensive explanations of enabling technologies such as high throughput screening, structure based drug design, molecular modeling, pharmaceutical profiling, and translational medicine, all areas that have become critical steps in the successful development of marketable therapeutics. The text introduces the fundamental principles of drug discovery and development, also discussing important drug targets by class, in vitro screening methods, medicinDrug developmentDrugsDesignDrug development.DrugsDesign.615.1944.38bclBenjamin Blass1624240MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910811820003321Basic principles of drug discovery and development3959129UNINA