04042nam 2200697 a 450 991045277420332120200520144314.01-280-87610-797866137174120-85745-505-2(CKB)2550000000104915(EBL)951812(OCoLC)836864107(SSID)ssj0000702050(PQKBManifestationID)12218129(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000702050(PQKBWorkID)10676026(PQKB)11338284(MiAaPQ)EBC951812(Au-PeEL)EBL951812(CaPaEBR)ebr10578597(CaONFJC)MIL371741(EXLCZ)99255000000010491520111221d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrWalls, borders, boundaries[electronic resource] spatial and cultural practices in Europe /edited by Marc Silberman, Karen E. Till & Janet WardNew York Berghahn Books20121 online resource (282 p.)Spektrum : publications of the German Studies Association ;v. 4Description based upon print version of record.1-78238-686-6 0-85745-504-4 Includes bibliographical references (p. [235]-260) and index.Introduction : walls, borders, boundaries / Marc Silberman, Karen E. Till, and Janet Ward -- The dialectics of urban form in absolutist France / Yair Mintzker -- The camp in the city, the city as camp : Berlin's other guarded walls / Olaf Briese -- 'Threshold resistance' : Dani Karavan's Berlin Installation Grundgesetz / Eric Jarosinski -- Did walls really come down? : contemporary b/ordering walls in Europe / Daniela Vicherat Mattar -- Border guarding as spatial practice : a case study of Czech communist governance and hidden transcripts / Muriel Blaive and Thomas Lindenberger -- A 'complicated contrivance' : West Berlin behind the wall, 1971-1989 / David Barclay -- Moving borders and competing civilizing missions : Germany, Poland, and Ukraine in the context of the EU's eastern enlargement / Steffi Marung -- Migrants, mosques, and minarets : reworking the boundaries of liberal democracy in Switzerland and Germany / Patricia Ehrkamp -- Not our kind : generational barriers dividing postwar Albanian migrant communities / Isa Blumi -- Invisible migrants : memory and German nationhood in the shadow of the Berlin Wall / Jeffrey Jurgens -- Crossing boundaries in Cyprus : landscapes of memory in the demilitarized zone / Gülgün Kayim. How is it that walls, borders, boundaries-and their material and symbolic architectures of division and exclusion-engender their very opposite? This edited volume explores the crossings, permeations, and constructions of cultural and political borders between peoples and territories, examining how walls, borders, and boundaries signify both interdependence and contact within sites of conflict and separation. Topics addressed range from the geopolitics of Europe's historical and contemporary city walls to conceptual reflections on the intersection of human rights and separating walls, the meSpektrum (New York, N.Y.) ;v. 4.GeopoliticsEuropeHistoryTerritory, NationalEuropeEthnicityEuropeHistoryEuropeBoundariesHistoryEuropeHistorical geographyEuropeCivilizationElectronic books.GeopoliticsHistory.Territory, NationalEthnicityHistory.320.1/2094Ward Janet1963-991634Silberman Marc1948-991635Till Karen E899349MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910452774203321Walls, borders, boundaries2269548UNINA