03099nam 22006373u 450 991045259780332120210114062359.0(CKB)2550000000105150(EBL)909031(OCoLC)818856547(SSID)ssj0000736207(PQKBManifestationID)12245982(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000736207(PQKBWorkID)10767098(PQKB)11459495(MiAaPQ)EBC909031(EXLCZ)99255000000010515020130418d2005|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrActive Social Capital[electronic resource] Tracing the Roots of Development and DemocracyNew York Columbia University Press20051 online resource (267 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-231-12571-2 Contents; Preface; 1. Introduction: Can Social Capital Help Support Development and Democracy?; 2. How Might Social Capital Matter?; 3. Structre and Agency: New Political Entrepreneurs and the Rise of Village-Based Collective Action; 4. Measuring Social Capital; 5. Understanding Economic Development: Why Do Some Villages Develop Faster than Others?; 6. Examining Community Harmony: Why Are Some Villages Peaceful and Others Not?; 7. Democratic Participation in Rural North India: Social Capital and New Political Entrepreneurs; 8. Conclusion; APPENDICES; A: MethodologyB: Details of 60 Villages in RajasthanC: Map of Village Balesariya; Notes; References; IndexThe idea of social capital allows scholars to assess the quality of relationships among people within a particular community and show how that quality affects the ability to achieve shared goals. With evidence collected from 69 villages in India, Krishna investigates what social capital is, how it operates in practice, and what results it can be expected to produce. Does social capital provide a viable means for advancing economic development, promoting ethnic peace, and strengthening democratic governance? The world is richer than ever before, but more than a fifth of its peopleEconomic developmentEconomic development -- Social aspectsSocial aspectsSocial capital (Sociology)Sociology & Social HistoryHILCCSocial SciencesHILCCSocial ChangeHILCCElectronic books.Economic development.Economic development -- Social aspects.Social aspects.Social capital (Sociology).Sociology & Social HistorySocial SciencesSocial Change302306.3Krishna Anirudh978794AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910452597803321Active Social Capital2231012UNINA03232 am 2200805 n 450 991041802660332120200204979-1-03-654752-210.4000/books.pupo.5158(CKB)4100000010959057(FrMaCLE)OB-pupo-5158(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/60652(PPN)244247633(EXLCZ)99410000001095905720210709j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLes temps du livre /Alain Milon, Marc PerelmanNanterre Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre20201 online resource (188 p.) 2-84016-230-X Le livre est envisagé ici comme étant au départ, sinon à l’origine, des nombreuses variations non seulement du temps vécu, mais aussi de la structure même du temps. Qu’en est-il alors du temps dans son rapport au livre ? Le temps ou plutôt les temps du livre dépendent de l’a priori formel de celui-ci. Si le livre se présente comme une forme spatiale irréductible, un bloc, une forme compacte, enserrant un temps presque apprivoisé, il est aussi un espace poreux. Il est cet espace d’où s’évaporent et s’épanouissent les temps multiples liés à l’histoire, à la mémoire… L’espace du livre se transforme en temps du livre. Le livre serait cette possibilité d’extériorisation du temps propre à la lecture et au lecteur telle qu’elle s’effectue par leur médiation. Il n’est rien d’autre qu’une humanisation du temps. Lire un livre, c’est prendre du temps au temps, devenir humain grâce au temps, c’est produire un temps humain.AnthropologySociologylivrelecturemédiationhumanisationtempstemporaliténumériquehumanisationlecturemédiationtemporalitétempsnumériquelivreAnthropologySociologylivrelecturemédiationhumanisationtempstemporaliténumériqueCoignard Anne1324319Deloignon Olivier1324320Dunyach Irène1324321d’Humières Catherine1324322Goyet Samuel1324323Jahjah Marc1324324K. Shailer. Shailer Anna1324325Laszlo Pierre92986Milon Alain981169Montefalcone Barbara1324326Perelman Marc765186Raymond Hélène1324327Tito Marques Palmeiro1324328Milon Alain981169Perelman Marc765186FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910418026603321Les temps du livre3036133UNINA03404nam 22004093 450 991058759540332120241018174649.0987-813-209-9(MiAaPQ)EBC7070935(Au-PeEL)EBL7070935(CKB)24730756700041(Exl-AI)7070935(EXLCZ)992473075670004120220824d2022 uy 0spaurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEl Pensamiento Del Che y el Legado de Fidel Sobre la Transición Socialista Aproximaciones a Su Vigencia en CubaBuenos Aires :Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales,2022.©2022.1 online resource (198 pages)Print version: Suárez Salazar, Luis El Pensamiento Del Che y el Legado de Fidel Sobre la Transición Socialista Buenos Aires : Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales,c2022 Prefacio -- Luis Suárez Salazar -- El pensamiento del Che sobre la transición socialista: aproximaciones a su vigencia en Cuba -- Alocución inaugural -- Zoila Benítez de Mendoza -- Palabras introductorias -- Luis Suárez Salazar -- Aproximación al legado del Che en la cultura del debate y en los métodos de dirección de la economía -- Fidel Vascós González -- Che y la transición socialista -- María del Carmen Ariet -- Che Guevara: socialismo y democracia en la experiencia cubana -- Apuntes para el análisis -- Olga Fernández Ríos -- El legado del Fidel sobre la transición socialista: aproximaciones a su vigencia en Cuba -- Alocución inaugural -- Zoila Benítez de Mendoza -- Palabras introductorias -- María del Carmen Ariet -- Notas sobre las concepciones de Fidel en torno al papel de la ciencia y el pensamiento en la transición socialista cubana y su continuidad actual -- Jorge Núñez Jover -- Las ideas económicas en el pensamiento de Fidel Castro -- José Luis Rodríguez García -- “Sin cultura no hay libertad posible” -- Notas sobre las ideas de Fidel en torno a la cultura -- Abel Prieto Jiménez -- El PCC debe ser el partido de oposición a la obra de la Revolución cubana -- No de los más trascendentales legados de Fidel Castro -- Luis Suárez Salazar -- EpílogoGenerated by AI.This book explores the enduring influence of Che Guevara's and Fidel Castro's thoughts on the socialist transition in Cuba. It examines the cultural, economic, and political legacy of these iconic figures and their impact on contemporary Cuban society. The collection of essays delves into topics such as socialism, democracy, and the role of culture in achieving freedom. The authors aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of the socialist model in Cuba, highlighting the contributions of key figures in shaping its development. The intended audience includes scholars, students, and those interested in Latin American studies, socialism, and Cuban history.Generated by AI.SocialismGenerated by AICubaGenerated by AISocialismSuárez Salazar Luis685924MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910587595403321El Pensamiento Del Che y el Legado de Fidel Sobre la Transición Socialista2907180UNINA