04513nam 22008051 450 991045245320332120200520144314.00-520-28008-30-520-95719-910.1525/9780520957190(CKB)2550000001128789(EBL)1463630(OCoLC)860924442(SSID)ssj0001059004(PQKBManifestationID)11602565(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001059004(PQKBWorkID)11071773(PQKB)11442674(MiAaPQ)EBC1463630(DE-B1597)518913(OCoLC)863218377(DE-B1597)9780520957190(Au-PeEL)EBL1463630(CaPaEBR)ebr10777407(CaONFJC)MIL529423(EXLCZ)99255000000112878920130524h20142014 uy 0engur|n|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierHow race is made in America immigration, citizenship, and the historical power of racial scripts /Natalia MolinaBerkeley :University of California Press,[2014]©20141 online resource (226 p.)American Crossroads ;38American crossroadsDescription based upon print version of record.0-520-28007-5 1-299-98172-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Part I. Immigration Regimes I : Mapping Race and Citizenship -- Placing Mexican Immigration within the Larger Landscape of Race Relations in the U.S. -- "What is a White Man?" : The Quest to Make Mexicans Ineligible for U.S. Citizenship -- Birthright Citizenship Beyond Black and White -- Part II. Immigration Regimes II : Making Mexicans Deportable -- Mexicans Suspended in a State of Deportability : Medical Racialization and Immigration Policy in the 1940s -- Deportations in the Urban Landscape -- Epilogue: Making Race in the Twenty-First Century.How Race Is Made in America examines Mexican Americans-from 1924, when American law drastically reduced immigration into the United States, to 1965, when many "as were abolished-to understand how broad themes of race and citizenship are constructed. These years shaped the emergence of what Natalia Molina describes as an immigration regime, which defined the racial categories that continue to influence perceptions in the United States about Mexican Americans, race, and ethnicity. Molina demonstrates that despite the multiplicity of influences that help shape our concept of race, common themes prevail. Examining legal, political, social, and cultural sources related to immigration, she advances the theory that our understanding of race is socially constructed in relational ways-that is, in correspondence to other groups. Molina introduces and explains her central theory, racial scripts, which highlights the ways in which the lives of racialized groups are linked across time and space and thereby affect one another. How Race Is Made in America also shows that these racial scripts are easily adopted and adapted to apply to different racial groups.American crossroads ;38.CitizenshipUnited StatesHistory20th centuryDeportationUnited StatesHistory20th centuryImmigrantsUnited StatesHistory20th centuryMexican AmericansCivil rightsHistory20th centuryMexican AmericansSocial conditions20th centuryRace discriminationUnited StatesHistory20th centuryUnited StatesEmigration and immigrationGovernment policyHistory20th centuryUnited StatesEmigration and immigrationHistory20th centuryUnited StatesRace relationsHistory20th centuryElectronic books.CitizenshipHistoryDeportationHistoryImmigrantsHistoryMexican AmericansCivil rightsHistoryMexican AmericansSocial conditionsRace discriminationHistory305.868/72073Molina Natalia1035611MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910452453203321How race is made in America2455399UNINA04313nam 2200937z- 450 991055750800332120231214133153.0(CKB)5400000000044476(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76509(EXLCZ)99540000000004447620202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierRecent Developments of Electrodeposition CoatingBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (176 p.)3-0365-0736-1 3-0365-0737-X This e-book presents a selection of papers focused on some novel aspects of electrodeposited coatings, in particular for medical applications. The biocoatings applied for surface modification of load-bearing implants are still being developed, especially for titanium implants, for which hundreds and thousands of possible technical solutions have been proposed using different techniques and materials. This book is a collection of papers that demonstrate appropriate attempts using various electrodeposition methods. The specific objectives are different, with several looking for improved bioactivity, another for antibacterial properties, and another for increased adhesion on the helix lines on dental implants. The e-book starts with a paper on the methodic development of electrodes for electrowinning. This is followed by paper on the real performance of the surface of dental implants, a subject not often addressed. The next paper focuses on electro-oxidation: a novel two-stage oxidation method, characteristic of the oxide layer on helix line of a model dental implant, and micro-arc oxidation of 3D printed titanium. The last paper focuses on coatings, describing the carbon nanotubes- (hydroxyapatite, chitosan), Eudragit-, and Fe-containing coatings. The e-book concludes with a review of all electrodeposition methods. It is a collection of papers describing novel results in electrodeposition biocoatings, which will be of interest for many scholars and researchersResearch & information: generalbicsschardnessadhesionhydroxyapatitecarbon nanotubestitaniumbiomedical applicationschitosanEudragitelectrophoretic depositionnanoindentationpH-sensitive coatingswettabilitytitanium alloyselectrochemical oxidationnanotubular oxide layersmicrostructurenanomechanical propertiescorrosion resistanceantibacterial protectioncytotoxicitymicro-arc oxidationcomposite oxide coatingspropertiescoatingselectrocathodic depositionplasma electrochemical oxidationelectro-spark depositionelectro-discharge depositionbioactivityantibacterial efficiencymechanical strengthmetal foamsurface areaelectrowinningCu electrodepositionEISdouble electric layer capacitancedental implantscorrosionringer's solutionartificial salivatitanium oxide layersinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)magnesium alloyirondegradation resistancecytocompatibilitynanotubular oxidehelix surfacesroughnesscorrosion propertiesResearch & information: generalZieliński Andrzejedt210528Zieliński AndrzejothBOOK9910557508003321Recent Developments of Electrodeposition Coating3039483UNINA