02946nam 22006493u 450 991045233840332120210114014932.00-203-03619-01-299-46017-81-136-09178-5(CKB)2550000001018956(EBL)1166391(SSID)ssj0000885185(PQKBManifestationID)11510900(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000885185(PQKBWorkID)10947324(PQKB)11404469(MiAaPQ)EBC1166391(EXLCZ)99255000000101895620130418d2013|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrMind Models[electronic resource]2nd ed.Hoboken Taylor and Francis20131 online resource (360 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-415-97428-3 Cover; Half Title; Full Title; Copyright; Contents; Introduction; Preface; Acknowledgments; PART I Rates of Change; Permanence; Acceleration and Pace; Diversity; Capability; Acceptance of Context; New Models; PART II The States of Art; Commerce and Excellence; Subgroups in Society; The General Event; PART III The Public and Private Realms; Alternate Forms of Art; Alternate Approaches to Art; PART IV Sound; Natural Sound and Its Limits; Synthesis; The Last Dimension: Space; PART V Time; Short Intervals, Duration, and Temporal Perspective; Experimental Approaches to Measurement; Some PitfallsAltered Time FramesPART VI Notation; The Creative Continuum; The Function of Notation; Good Notational Practice; PART VII Morphology in Music; Computers: The Necessity of Foresight; The Implications of Abundance; Changing Views of Experience; IndexThis new edition of Mind Models reintroduces and renews a classic work on 20th century composition, one that has remained relevant for over a quarter century -- and should remain a central reading for decades to come.Music -- 20th century -- History and criticismMusic -- 21st century -- History and criticismMusic -- Social aspectsMusicHILCCMusic, Dance, Drama & FilmHILCCMusic History & Criticism, GeneralHILCCElectronic books.Music -- 20th century -- History and criticism.Music -- 21st century -- History and criticism.Music -- Social aspects.MusicMusic, Dance, Drama & FilmMusic History & Criticism, General780.904780/.9/04Reynolds Roger977180AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910452338403321Mind Models2226113UNINA05125nam 2200637Ia 450 991014411290332120170815111200.01-281-83137-997866118313700-470-39159-60-470-39156-1(CKB)1000000000556224(EBL)366723(OCoLC)476201694(SSID)ssj0000117344(PQKBManifestationID)11898367(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000117344(PQKBWorkID)10043097(PQKB)11020122(MiAaPQ)EBC366723(PPN)186280548(EXLCZ)99100000000055622420080811d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCancer stem cells[electronic resource] identification and targets /edited by Sharmila BapatHoboken, N.J. Wileyc20091 online resource (274 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-470-12201-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.CANCER STEM CELLS; CONTENTS; Contributors; Preface; 1 Cancer Stem Cells: Similarities and Variations in the Theme of Normal Stem Cells; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Stem Cells in the Life of an Organism; 1.2.1 Stem Cells in Early Development and Fetal Life; 1.2.2 Stem Cells in the Adult Organism; 1.3 Cancer Stem Cells; 1.3.1 Activation of Stem Cells and Cancer; 1.3.2 Isolation and Identification of Cancer Stem Cells; 1.3.3 De Novo Generation of a New Organ (Tumor) by Transformed Stem Cells; 1.4 Self-Renewal and Differentiation in CSCs1.5 CSC Plasticity as Regulated by Intrinsic and Extrinsic Stem Cell Factors1.5.1 Stem Cell Intrinsic Factors: Genetic and Epigenetic Effects; 1.5.2 Stem Cell Extrinsic Effects: Niche Effects and Microenvironmental Signaling; 1.6 Conclusions and Future Perspectives; References; 2 Leukemic Stem Cells; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Dysregulation of Hematopoiesis in Leukemia; 2.2.1 Normal Hematopoietic Stem Cell Hierarchies; 2.2.2 Understanding Aberrant Hierarchies in Leukemia; 2.2.3 Types of Leukemia; 2.3 Identification and isolation of Cancer-Initiating Cells in Leukemia2.4 Molecular Regulation of Aberrant Hierarchies2.4.1 Signaling Pathways Deregulated in Leukemia; 2.4.2 Self-Renewal of Normal and Leukemic Stem Cells; 2.4.3 Epigenetic Effects; 2.4.4 MicroRNA in Leukemia Development; 2.5 Conclusions and Future Perspectives; References; 3 Isolation and Characterization of Breast and Brain Cancer Stem Cells; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Breast Cancer Stem Cells; 3.2.1 Mammary Gland Architecture and Cell Types; 3.2.2 Breast Cancer; 3.2.3 Identification of Breast Cancer Stem Cells3.2.4 Putative Breast Cancer Stem Cells that Exhibit the CD44(+) CD24(-/low)Lin(-) Marker Profile3.2.5 ESA(+) Subpopulation of CD24(-low)Lin(-) Cells Enriched by Tumorigenicity; 3.2.6 Tumorigenic Breast Cells Displaying Properties of Stem Cells; 3.2.7 In Vitro Propagation of Breast Cancer Stem Cells as Mammospheres; 3.3 Brain Cancer Stem Cells; 3.3.1 Brain Architecture and Cell Types; 3.3.2 Brain Cancers; 3.3.3 Brain Stem Cells; 3.3.4 Brain Cancer Stem Cells; 3.3.5 Brain Cancer-Derived Cells that Generate Tumor Spheres; 3.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives; References4 Cancer Stem Cell Side Populations4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Stem Cell Side Populations; 4.3 Side Populations in Normal Tissue; 4.4 Side Populations in Tumors; 4.5 Overcoming Side Population Limitations; 4.6 Conclusions and Future Perspectives; References; 5 Evidence for Cancer Stem Cells in Retinoblastoma; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Elusive Origins of Retinoblastoma; 5.3 Sources of Retinoblastoma Cells for Study; 5.4 Precedent for Cancer Stem Cells; 5.5 Side Populations in Retinoblastoma; 5.6 Immunoreactivity to Stem Cell Markers in Retinoblastoma; 5.7 Conclusions and Future Perspectives; References6 Ovarian Stem Cell Biology and the Emergence of Ovarian Cancer Stem CellsBecause the concept and discoveries of cancer stem cells are relatively new, scientists and researchers need an introduction to this dynamic area. Cancer Stem Cells presents a consolidated account of the research done to date and recent progresses in the studies of cancer stem cells. Such a presentation facilitates a better understanding of and draws attention to stem cell and cancer biology - two fields that enhance, move, and evolve into each other continuously. It provides an informative study in designing approaches to apply stem cell principles to cancer biology while offering an overviewCancer cellsStem cellsCancer cells.Stem cells.362.196/994362.196994616.99406Bapat Sharmila958392MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910144112903321Cancer stem cells2171450UNINA