05045nam 2200649Ia 450 991045202180332120200520144314.0(CKB)1000000000450919(EBL)3377329(SSID)ssj0000132536(PQKBManifestationID)11149975(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000132536(PQKBWorkID)10038956(PQKB)10391819(MiAaPQ)EBC3377329(Au-PeEL)EBL3377329(CaPaEBR)ebr10071354(OCoLC)923269698(EXLCZ)99100000000045091920050324d1968 ua 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCriteria for selection and design of residential slabs-on-ground[electronic resource] /prepared by a special advisory committee of the Building Research Advisory BoardWashington National Academy of Sciences19681 online resource (305 p.)Report to the Federal Housing Administration ;no. 33National Research Council. Publication 1571Description based upon print version of record.0-309-57593-1 Includes bibliographical references.""Criteria for Selection and Design of Residential Slabs-on-Ground""; ""Copyright""; ""FOREWORD""; ""CONTENTS""; ""I INTRODUCTION ""; ""1.0 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM""; ""2.0 REPORT ORGANIZATION""; ""3.0 BACKGROUND""; ""3.1 History""; ""3.2 Need for This Study""; ""3.3 Study Scope""; ""3.4 Study Limitations""; ""4.0 USE OF THIS REPORT""; ""II CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ""; ""1.0 SLAB SELECTION AND/OR DESIGN PROCEDURE""; ""1.1 Selection of Slab Type""; ""1.2 Procedure When Type I Is Recommended""; ""1.3 Procedure When Type II Is Recommended""; ""1.4 Procedure When Type III Is Recommended""""1.5 Procedure When Type IV Is Recommended""""2.0 HEATED AND UNHEATED SLABS""; ""3.0 NONRECTANGULAR SLABS""; ""4.0 SLABS ON UNSTABLE SOILS""; ""5.0 SLABS OF UNUSUAL CONFIGURATION""; ""6.0 QUALITY CONTROL PRACTICES""; ""III RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS ""; ""1.0 GENERAL""; ""2.0 SOILS RESEARCH""; ""2.1 Investigation of Granular Mats or Stabilized Soil Mats""; ""2.2 Soil/Moisture Relationships""; ""2.3 Swelling Properties of Clay Soils""; ""2.4 Stabilization of Soils for Residential Construction""; ""2.5 Identification of Problem Soil Areas""; ""3.0 SLAB RESEARCH""; ""3.1 Field Investigation""""3.2 Cracking of Slabs""""3.3 Effect of Partition Loads on Unreinforced Slabs""; ""3.4 Maximum Deformation of Unreinforced Slabs""; ""3.5 Effective Stiffness of Stiffened Slabs""; ""3.6 Effect of Slab Stiffness on Superstructure""; ""3.7 Controlled Design and Construction""; ""3.8 Investigation of Other Stiffened-Slab Designs""; ""3.9 Investigation of Prestressed and Precast Slabs""; ""4.0 PRIORITY""; ""IV SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ""; ""PART A: SELECTION AND DESIGN OF SLABS""; ""1.0 FUNCTIONS OF SLABS-ON-GROUND""; ""2.0 FUNDAMENTAL FACTORS OF SLAB DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION""""3.0 SELECTION OF SLAB TYPE""""3.1 Types of Slab-On-Ground""; ""3.1.1 Slab Type I""; ""3.1.2 Slab Type II""; ""3.1.3 Slab Type III""; ""3.1.4 Slab Type IV""; ""3.2 Soil Investigation""; ""3.3 Climatic Rating""; ""3.4 Correlation of Climate and Soil for Selection of Slab""; ""4.0 CRITERIA FOR TYPE I SLABS""; ""4.1 General""; ""4.2 Site""; ""4.3 Dimensions""; ""4.4 Irregular Shapes""; ""4.5 Weakened-Plane Joints""; ""4.6 Embedment in Slab""; ""4.7 Loads""; ""4.8 Openings""; ""5.0 CRITERIA FOR TYPE II SLABS""; ""5.1 General""; ""5.2 Dimensions""; ""5.3 Reinforcement""; ""5.4 Embedment in Slab""""5.5 Irregular Shapes""""5.6 Loads""; ""5.7 Openings""; ""6.0 EXAMPLE OF PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING WHETHER A TYPE I OR II SLAB IS APPROPRIATE, AND APPLICATION OF CRITERIA""; ""6.1 General""; ""6.2 Determination of Slab Type""; ""6.3 Procedure""; ""7.0 DESIGN OF TYPE III SLABS""; ""7.1 Effect of Superstructure""; ""7.2 Effect of Soil Behavior""; ""7.3 Support Index""; ""7.4 Increase of Support Index (C)""; ""7.5 Determination of Support Index (C) for Compressible Soils (2.5<qu/w<7.5)""; ""7.6 Typical Stiffened-Slab Cross Section""; ""7.7 Analysis of Type III Slabs""""7.8 Design of Type III Slabs""Publication (National Research Council (U.S.)) ;no. 1571.Report to the Federal Housing Administration ;no. 33.Concrete slabsFloors, ConcreteHouse constructionElectronic books.Concrete slabs.Floors, Concrete.House construction.693.5United States.Federal Housing Administration.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910452021803321Criteria for selection and design of residential slabs-on-ground2193500UNINA