03053oam 2200661I 450 991045187580332120200520144314.01-280-67018-51-136-83441-997866136471150-203-83216-710.4324/9780203832165 (CKB)2550000000100145(EBL)801928(OCoLC)797919024(SSID)ssj0000678028(PQKBManifestationID)11449747(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000678028(PQKBWorkID)10696931(PQKB)11682136(MiAaPQ)EBC801928(Au-PeEL)EBL801928(CaPaEBR)ebr10558496(CaONFJC)MIL364711(OCoLC)795329824(EXLCZ)99255000000010014520180706d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrIran and the international community /edited by Anoushiravan Ehteshami and Manshour VarastehLondon :Routledge,2011.1 online resource (210 p.)Routledge library editions. Iran ;v. 28First published in 1991.0-415-61051-6 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Cover; Iran and the international community; Copyright; Contents; Notes on contributors; Foreword; Editors' preface; Introduction; 1. Iran and the United Nations, with particular reference to the Iran-Iraq War; 2. The United States and Iran,1981-9; 3. The Soviet Union and Iran,1979-89; 4. Iran and the European Community; 5. Iran, the southern Mediterranean and Europe: terrorism and hostages; 6. The Gee and the Islamic Republic: towards a restoration of the pattern!; 7. Iran-Iraq: the war and prospects for a lasting peace8. The political economy of Iran'sforeign trade since the revolution:ideals and practice 9. Salman Rushdie, the Ayatollahand the limits of toleration; Notes; IndexIn this book, experts examine the main features of Iran's foreign policy from 1980 - 1990, assessing relations with the UN, the superpowers, Europe, the GCC and Iraq. Although, the Islamic revolution made Iran a significant force in the international arena, it is argued that the ending of the Cold War and the rise of Iraq as the dominant power in the Gulf are now creating a very different set of foreign policy challenges and options.Routledge library editions.Ira ;v. 28.International relationsIranForeign relationsElectronic books.International relations.327.5509048341.23/55341.2355Ehteshami Anoushiravan645888Varasteh Manshour975941FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910451875803321Iran and the international community2222371UNINA