05383nam 2200673 a 450 991045180260332120200520144314.01-280-66926-89786613646194981-4324-14-0(CKB)2550000000101858(EBL)919122(OCoLC)794262997(SSID)ssj0000622475(PQKBManifestationID)12259832(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000622475(PQKBWorkID)10643050(PQKB)11527158(MiAaPQ)EBC919122(WSP)00007911(Au-PeEL)EBL919122(CaPaEBR)ebr10563559(CaONFJC)MIL364619(EXLCZ)99255000000010185820120217d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe trans-Pacific imagination[electronic resource] rethinking boundary, culture and society /editors, Naoki Sakai, Hyon Joo YooHackensack, N.J. World Scientific Pub. Co.c20121 online resource (351 p.)Description based upon print version of record.981-4324-13-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preface; CONTENTS; Contributors; Copyrighted Essays; Introduction: The Trans-Pacific Imagination - Rethinking Boundary, Culture and Society Naoki Sakai and Hyon Joo Yoo; National Sovereignty and the Regime of International Law; Postcoloniality and Nationality; Asia: A Marker of Civilizational Transference; Complicity and the Global Sovereign State; Victimhood Nationalism and the Crisis of Masculinity; History Textbook and Shame; Notes; Towards a Transnational History of Victimhood Nationalism: On the Trans-Pacific Space Jie-Hyun Lim; The Transnationality of Victimhood NationalismFrom Heroes to Victims: Hereditary Victimhood in KoreaFrom Victimizers to Victims: Apologies for Memory in Japan; Responsibility: From Whom to Whom?; Notes; The Trans-Pacific Migrant and Area Studies Lisa Lowe; Notes; Imprinting the Empire: Western Artists and the Persistence of Colonialism in East Asia Tessa Morris-Suzuki; The Art of Occupation; Four Artists and the Japanese Empire; Floating Worlds: The Japanese Empire and the Making of the "Far East"; Tourism, Imperialism and the Multi-Focal Eye; Politics Cut Out; The Persistence of Empire; NotesThe Political Formation of the Homoerotics and the Cold War: The Battle of Gazes at and from Okinawa Ikuo Shinjou"They Rejected Me Plainly": Ôe Kenzaburô's Okinawa Note; The Japanese Subject Formation and the Status of the Homoerotics; Notes; Securing Okinawa for Miscegenation: Gender and Trans-Pacific Empire of the United States and Japan Annmaria Shimabuku; Opposite Views of Security Behind a Unified Front of Protest; The State as the "Coldest of Cold Monsters"; Feminist Critique of the Military Institution; Biopower; Securing Okinawa for Miscegenation; The Tent Village of GaramaConclusionNotes; The Politics of Postcoloniality and the Literature of "Being-in-Japan" (Zainichi) Hyoduk Lee; Postcoloniality of Japan in the Asia-Pacific; What Is Zainichi Literature?; Zainichi Literature around 1970; Ethnicity/Class, Ethnicity/Gender; Perpetual "Postcolonial"; Notes; The Incurable Feminine: Women Without a Country in East Asian Cinema Hyon Joo Yoo; Antigone's Impossible Place; The Impossible Subject: Women Without a Country; What Does Woman without a Country Want?; NotesInter-Asia Comparative Framework: Postcolonial Film Historiography in Taiwan and South Korea Soyoung KimFilmmaking as Postcolonial Archival Practice; Almost Life Like in The Puppet Master; Chihwas on as a Tale of Pre-Cinema; Flashbacks and a Good Ear (Singer); The Paradox of Postcolonial Archival Work; Notes; Postcolonial Hiroshima, Mon Amour: Franco-Japanese Collaboration in the American Shadow Yuko Shibata; The Nexus Between Hiroshima and Nevers; Prewar Hiroshima as a Military City; The Collaboration Between France and Japan in French Indochina; Duras' Commitment to the French EmpireThe Othering of the Japanese ManThis anthology critically re-examines and re-articulates the discursive boundary that binds the region called East Asia in order to produce Trans-Pacific Studies. Recognizing that the creation of regional boundaries depends on a new configuration of both inter- and intra-national power relations and the ideological constructs that generate historical, ideological, and cultural effects, this volume proposes that the term "trans-Pacific" be mobilized to complicate the phrase "East Asian" as the boundary of academic discipline and socio-cultural discourse. The anthology also examines the historicPostcolonialism and the artsNationalismEast AsiaHistoryEast AsiaCivilizationElectronic books.Postcolonialism and the arts.NationalismHistory.950Sakai Naoki1946-889502Yoo Hyon Joo889503MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910451802603321The trans-Pacific imagination1987059UNINA