03077nam 2200649Ia 450 991045169230332120200520144314.01-280-52982-297866105298270-19-802811-31-4294-0376-4(CKB)1000000000465720(EBL)272737(OCoLC)476012368(SSID)ssj0000251075(PQKBManifestationID)11194246(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000251075(PQKBWorkID)10248045(PQKB)10005150(MiAaPQ)EBC272737(PPN)114034540(Au-PeEL)EBL272737(CaPaEBR)ebr10269202(CaONFJC)MIL52982(OCoLC)71801575(EXLCZ)99100000000046572019990513d2000 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrStatistical mechanics of solids[electronic resource] /Louis A. GirifalcoOxford ;New York Oxford University Press20001 online resource (536 p.)Monographs on the physics and chemistry of materials ;58Description based upon print version of record.0-19-511965-7 Includes bibliographical references (p. 505-508) and index.Contents; 1 The Basics of Thermodynamics; 2 Principles of Statistical Mechanics; 3 Particle Statistics; 4 The Harmonic Crystal; 5 Anharmonic Properties and the Equation of State; 6 Free Electron Theory in Metals and Semiconductors; 7 Statistical-Kinetic Theory of Electron Transport; 8 Order-Disorder Alloys; 9 Magnetic Order; 10 Phase Equilibria; 11 Critical Exponents and the Renormalization Group; 12 Surfaces and Interfaces; 13 The Theory of Random Flight; 14 Linear Polymer Chains; 15 Vacancies and Interstitials in Monatomic Crystals; 16 Point Defects in Dilute Alloys17 Diffusion in Simple CrystalsAppendix 1 Combinatorial Problems in Statistical Mechanics; Appendix 2 The Method of Undetermined Multipliers; Appendix 3 Stirling's Approximation; Appendix 4 Sums and Integrals; Appendix 5 Fermi Integrals; Appendix 6 Kirkwood's Second Moment; Appendix 7 The Generalized Lattice Gas; Appendix 8 Dyadics and Crystal Symmetry; Additional Readings; IndexSuitable for use as an advanced text, this monograph presents the statistical mechanics of solids from the perspective of the material properties of the solid state.Monographs on the physics and chemistry of materials ;58.SolidsMathematical modelsStatistical mechanicsElectronic books.SolidsMathematical models.Statistical mechanics.530.4/1Girifalco L. A(Louis A.)933377MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910451692303321Statistical mechanics of solids2101229UNINA