05674nam 22008415 450 991045160620332120210301165150.01-280-49195-797866135871830-520-94632-410.1525/9780520946323(CKB)2550000000101643(EBL)919523(OCoLC)794328502(SSID)ssj0000660775(PQKBManifestationID)11459174(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000660775(PQKBWorkID)10703669(PQKB)10860878(DE-B1597)519521(OCoLC)1110713581(DE-B1597)9780520946323(EXLCZ)99255000000010164320200424h20102010 fg engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 135th Anniversary Edition /Mark Twain; Paul Baender3rd ed.Berkeley, CA :University of California Press,[2010]©20101 online resource (306 p.)Mark Twain LibraryDescription based upon print version of record.0-520-26611-0 Frontmatter --CONTENTS --ILLUSTRATIONS --FOREWORD --THE WRITING OF TOM SAWER --PREFACE --1. Y-o-u-u Tom-Aunt Polly Decides Upon her Duty- Tom Practices Music-The Challenge-A Private Entrance --2. Strong Temptations-Strategic Movements-The Innocents Beguiled --3. Tom as a General-Triumph and Reward-Dismal Felicity-Commission and Omission --4. Mental Acrobatics-Attending Sunday-School-The Superintendent-"Showing off-Tom Lionized --5. A Useful Minister-In Church-The Climax --6. Self-Examination-Dentistry-The Midnight Charm- Witches and Devils-Cautious Approaches-Happy Hours --7. A Treaty Entered Into-Early Lessons-A Mistake Made --8. Tom Decides on his Course-Old Scenes Re-enacted --9. A Solemn Situation-Grave Subjects Introduced- Injun Joe Explains --10. The Solemn Oath-Terror Brings Repentance- Mental Punishment --1 1. Muff Potter Comes Himself-Tom's Conscience at Work --12. Tom Shows his Generosity-Aunt Polly Weakens --13. The Young Pirates-Going to the Rendezvous-The Camp-Fire Talk --14. Camp-Life-A Sensation-Tom Steals Away from Camp --15. Tom Reconnoiters-Learns the Situation-Reports at Camp --16. A Day's Amusements-Tom Reveals a Secret-The Pirates take a Lesson-A Night Surprise-An Indian War --17. Memories of the Lost Heroes-The Point in Tom's Secret --18. Tom's Feelings Investigated-Wonderful Dream- Becky Thatcher Overshadowed-Tom Becomes Jealous-Black Revenge --19. Tom Tells the Truth --20. Becky in a Dilemma-Tom's Nobility Asserts Itself --21. Youthful Eloquence-Compositions by the Young Ladies-A Lengthy Vision-The Boys' Vengeance Satisfied --22. Tom's Confidence Betrayed-Expects Signal Punishment --23. Old Muff's Friends-Muff Potter in Court-Muff Potter Saved --24. Tom as the Village Hero-Days of Splendor and Nights of Horror-Pursuit of Injun Joe --25. About Kings and Diamonds-Search for the Treasure -Dead People and Ghosts --26. The Haunted House-Sleepy Ghosts-A Box of Gold -Bitter Luck --27. Doubts to be Settled-The Young Detectives --28. An Attempt at No. Two-Huck Mounts Guard --29. The Pic-nic-Huck on Injun Joe's Track-The "Revenge" Job--Aid for the Widow --30. The Welchman Reports-Huck Under Fire-The Story Circulated-A New Sensation-Hope Giving Way to Despair --31. An Exploring Expedition-Trouble Commences-Lost in the Cave-Total Darkness-Found but not Saved --32. Tom tells the Story of their Escape-Tom's Enemy in Safe Quarters --33. The Fate of Injun Joe-Huck and Tom Compare Notes-An Expedition to the Cave-Protection Against Ghosts-"An Awful Snug Placen-A Reception at the Widow Douglas's --34. Springing a Secret-Mr. Jones' Surprise a Failure --35. A New Order of Things-Poor Huck-New Adventures Planned --CONCLUSION --EXPLANATORY NOTES --SOURCES FOR CHARACTERS --NOTE ON THE TEXTThis landmark anniversary edition contains a selection of Twain's hard-to-find letters and notes expressing his always-engaging opinions on the publication of Tom Sawyer.Mark Twain LibraryBoys -- FictionChild witnesses -- FictionMississippi River Valley -- FictionMissouri -- FictionRunaway children -- FictionSawyer, Tom (Fictitious character) -- FictionRunaway childrenFictionFugitive slavesFictionEnglishHILCCLanguages & LiteraturesHILCCAmerican LiteratureHILCCElectronic books.Boys -- Fiction.Child witnesses -- Fiction.Mississippi River Valley -- Fiction.Missouri -- Fiction.Runaway children -- Fiction.Sawyer, Tom (Fictitious character) -- Fiction.Runaway childrenFugitive slavesEnglishLanguages & LiteraturesAmerican Literature813.4Twain Mark1835-1910,authttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut27404Baender Pauledthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtBancroft Library Mark Twain Project.DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910451606203321The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 135th Anniversary Edition2444181UNINA01685nas 2200481-a 450 991087479720332120241221110049.02244-8632(CKB)111072154162010(CONSER)---96655623-(DE-599)ZDB2437602-4(MiFhGG)0PAZ(EXLCZ)9911107215416201019930722a19839999 --- -spaTemas de coyunturaCaracas, Venezuela Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales, UCAB1983-1 online resourceSeparately classified in LC before no. 14.DLCRefereed/Peer-reviewedPrint version: Temas de coyuntura. 1316-5003 (DLC) 96655623 (OCoLC)28487189 Temas coyunt. - Inst. Investig. Econ. Soc. Univ. Catól. Andrés BelloWirtschaftslagestwSoziale LagestwVenezuelastwEconomic historyfast(OCoLC)fst00901974Social conditionsfast(OCoLC)fst01919811VenezuelaEconomic conditions1958-VenezuelaSocial conditions1958-1999VenezuelaSocial conditions1999-VenezuelafastWirtschaftslage.Soziale Lage.Venezuela.Economic history.Social conditions.306/.0987/05Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales.JOURNAL9910874797203321exl_impl conversionTemas de coyuntura2167108UNINA