05329nam 2200697Ia 450 991045158330332120200520144314.01-4639-7766-21-4639-4880-81-283-57065-397866138831001-4639-2518-2(CKB)2550000000102558(EBL)1587674(SSID)ssj0000952927(PQKBManifestationID)11510995(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000952927(PQKBWorkID)10910033(PQKB)10960802(MiAaPQ)EBC1587674(Au-PeEL)EBL1587674(CaPaEBR)ebr10556812(CaONFJC)MIL388310(OCoLC)867927744(EXLCZ)99255000000010255820130221d2011 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrFinancial integration and rebalancing in Asia[electronic resource] /Prepared by Runchana Pongsaparn and Olaf Unteroberdoerster[Washington, D.C] International Monetary Fund, Asia and Pacific Department[2011]1 online resource (57 p.)IMF working paper ;WP/11/243"October 2011".1-4639-2264-7 Includes bibliographical references.Cover Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; I. Introduction; II. Measuring Financial Integration; A. Literature Review; B. Trends in Cross-Border Direct and Portfolio Investment, and Banking; 1. Total Portfolio Investment Liabilities by Region; 2. Total Portfolio Investment Assets by Region; 3. Total Portfolio Investment Liabilities to GDP by Region; 4. Total Portfolio Investment Assets to GDP by Region; 5. Source of Portfolio Investment Liabilities (average 2004-07); 6. Destination of Portfolio Investment Assets (average 2004-07)7. Source of Regional Portfolio Investment Liabilities (average 2004-07)8. Contribution to year-on-year Growth of Total Portfolio Investment Liabilities; 9. Regional and Non-regional Sources of Portfolio Investment Liabilities (Corrected for Financial Center Intermediary); 10. Debt and Equity Portfolio Investment Liabilities to GDP; 11. Total Foreign Direct Investment Inflows by Region; 12. Total Foreign Direct Investment Outflows by Region; 13. Total Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to GDP by Region; 14. Total Foreign Direct Investment Outflows to GDP by Region15. Sources of FDI Inflows (as of 2007)16. Destinations of FDI Outflows (as of 2007); 17. Sources of Regional FDI Inflows (as of 2007); 18. Total Liabilities vis-à-vis Reporting Banks; 19. Total Assets vis-à-vis Reporting Banks; 20. Total Liabilities vis-à-vis Reporting Banks to GDP; 21. Total Assets vis-à-vis Reporting Banks to GDP; C. Is Financial Integration in Asia Lagging?; 22. z score for Financial Integration (average 2004-07); 23. Trade Intensity (average 2004-07); 24. Portfolio Investment Intensity (average 2004-07); 25. FDI Intensity (average 2004-07)26. Banking Intensity (average 2004-07)27. Trade and Financial Intensity; 28. Country-specific Factors (Fixed Effects) of Financial Integration Equation; 1. Estimation of Financial Integration; 2. Estimation of Portfolio Gravity Model; 3. Comparing the Degree of Portfolio Integration; D. Capital Account Restrictions, Financial Development, and Financial Integration; 29. Capital Restrictions and Trade to Financial Intensity Ratio; 30. Capital Restriction Indices (as of 2005); 31. Liabilities and Assets to GDP by Type (Asia excluding Financial Centers)32. Capital Restriction Indices (Asia excluding financial centers)4. Macroprudential Measures in Asia; 33. Domestic Financial Reform and Capital Restriction Index; 34. Financial Reform Index and Private Sector Credit to GDP; 35. Financial Integration and Financial Development; III. Asia Rebalancing: A Role for Financial Integration?; A. The Link between Financial Integration and Rebalancing; B. Empirical Estimates; 36. Current Account to GDP by Region; 5. Estimation of Augmented Macroeconomic Balance Approach; 37. Change in CA to GDP due to Increase of Financial Integration to Global NormIV. ConclusionThe paper shows that Asia's degree of financial integration, both with the world and within the region remains low by various measures. The paper also provides empirical evidence that greater financial integration can support economic rebalancing in statistically meaningful ways. The implication is that in the debate on managing capital inflows the longer-term benefits of financial openness for broader-based growth should not be forgotten.IMF Working PapersCapital movementsAsiaAsiaEconomic integrationAsiaForeign economic relationsElectronic books.Capital movementsPongsaparn Runchana988117Unteroberdoerster Olaf988118International Monetary Fund.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910451583303321Financial integration and rebalancing in Asia2259544UNINA