03578nam 2200625 a 450 991045156100332120200520144314.01-281-19131-097866111913130-8213-7364-1(CKB)1000000000484127(EBL)459438(OCoLC)290512526(SSID)ssj0000087738(PQKBManifestationID)11126669(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000087738(PQKBWorkID)10053237(PQKB)10678640(MiAaPQ)EBC459438(Au-PeEL)EBL459438(CaPaEBR)ebr10212640(CaONFJC)MIL119131(OCoLC)935270866(EXLCZ)99100000000048412720071120d2008 uf 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrThe investment climate in Brazil, India, and South Africa[electronic resource] a comparison of approaches for sustaining economic growth in emerging economies /by Qimiao Fan ... [et al.]Washington, D.C. World Bankc20081 online resource (139 p.)WBI learning resources seriesDescription based upon print version of record.0-8213-7363-3 Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-117).Introduction -- Assessing the investment climate of Brazil, India, and South Africa -- Macroeconomic and trade policy -- Macroeconomic performance -- Taxation -- Foreign trade and exchange -- The benefits of exporting : the case of Brazil -- Microeconomic framework -- Regulation -- Enforcement -- Enabling environment for growth -- Investment climate and firm location -- Access to finance -- Physical infrastructure -- Cost and availability of skilled labor -- Crime -- Potential reforms and their estimated effects -- Investment climate reform and productivity -- Examining options for microeconomic reform : access to credit -- Lessons from country experience -- A flat tax for micro and small firms : the SIMPLES reform in Brazil -- The emergence of India's software sector -- Building a respected corporate tax system in South Africa -- South Africa's accelerated and shared growth initiative -- Conclusions -- Appendix A: Concept of the investment climate --Appendix B: Data sources.A strong investment climate is a platform for economic success. By creating opportunities and setting incentives for firms to invest and productively employ inputs, the investment climate is critical to economic growth and prosperity. Analyzing and comparing the investment climate of Brazil, India, and South Africa, three of today's largest emerging economies, this book presents policy makers with the scope of investment climate reforms in these countries. Inter- and intra-country benchmarking can be a starting point for dialogue between the government and private sector on reform priorities aWBI learning resources series.InvestmentsGovernment policyBrazilEconomic policyIndiaEconomic policy1991-South AfricaEconomic policyElectronic books.InvestmentsGovernment policy.330.9172/4Fan Qimiao889496MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910451561003321The investment climate in Brazil, India, and South Africa1987055UNINA