04384nam 22007571c 450 991045140840332120200115203623.01-4725-5916-91-280-80098-497866108009881-84731-210-110.5040/9781472559166(CKB)1000000000338519(EBL)285370(OCoLC)231831506(SSID)ssj0000097113(PQKBManifestationID)11121981(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000097113(PQKBWorkID)10111847(PQKB)10895057(MiAaPQ)EBC1750730(MiAaPQ)EBC285370(Au-PeEL)EBL1750730(CaPaEBR)ebr10276177(CaONFJC)MIL80098(OCoLC)893330888(OCoLC)213501375(UtOrBLW)bpp09255695(Au-PeEL)EBL285370(EXLCZ)99100000000033851920140929d2001 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdapting legal cultures edited by David Nelken and Johannes Feest1st ed.Oxford Portland, Oregon Hart Publishing 2001.1 online resource (294 p.)Onati international series in law and societyDescription based upon print version of record.1-84113-292-6 1-84113-291-8 Includes bibliographical references and indexPART ONE: THEORISING LEGAL ADAPTATION -- Introduction -- 1. Towards a Sociology of Legal Adaptation -- David Nelken -- 2. What "Legal Transplants"? -- Pierre Legrand -- 3. Is There a Logic of Legal Transplants? -- Roger Cotterrell -- 4. Some Comments on Cotterrell and Legal Transplants -- Lawrence Friedman -- 5. State Formation and Legal Change: On the Impact of International Politics -- Alex Jettinghoff -- 6. From Globalisation of Law to Law under Globalisation -- Wolf Heydebrand -- PART TWO: CASE-STUDIES OF LEGAL ADAPTATION -- Introduction -- 7. The Still-Birth and Re-birth of Product Liability in Japan -- Luke Nottage -- 8. The Empty Space of the Modern in Japanese Law Discourse -- Takao Tanase -- 9. Comparative Law and Legal Transplantation in South East Asia -- Andrew Harding -- 10. Marketisation, Public Service and Universal Service -- Tony Prosser -- 11. The Import and Export of Law and Legal Institutions: International Strategies in National Palace Wars -- Yves Dezalay and Bryant Garth -- 12. The Vultures Fly East: The Creation and Globalisation of the Distressed Debt Market -- John FloodThis exciting collection looks at the theory and practice of legal borrowing and adaptation in different areas of the world: Europe,the USA and Latin America, S.E. Asia and Japan. Many of the contributors focus on fundamental theoretical issues. What are legal transplants? What is the role of the state in producing socio-legal change? What are the conditions of successful legal transfers? How is globalisation changing these conditions? Such problems are also discussed with reference to substantive and specific case studies. When and why did Japanese rules of product liability come into line with those of the EU and the USA? How and why did judicial review come late to the legal systems of Holland and Scandinavia? Why is the present wave of USA-influenced legal reforms in Latin Amercia apparently having more success than the previous round? How does competition between the legal and accountancy professions affect patterns of bankruptcy? The chapters in this volume, which include a comprehensive theoretical introduction, offer a range of valuable insights even if they also show that theOnati international series in law and society.LawMobilityComparative lawLawForeign influencesCulture and lawElectronic books.LawMobility.LawForeign influences.Culture and law.340.2Nelken DavidFeest JohannesUtOrBLWUtOrBLWUkLoBPBOOK9910451408403321Adapting legal cultures983119UNINA