03240nam 2200625Ia 450 991045138730332120200520144314.01-280-90821-197866109082191-84593-300-1(CKB)1000000000344561(EBL)301671(OCoLC)476080864(SSID)ssj0000160082(PQKBManifestationID)11154726(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000160082(PQKBWorkID)10181713(PQKB)11644170(MiAaPQ)EBC301671(Au-PeEL)EBL301671(CaPaEBR)ebr10185854(CaONFJC)MIL90821(EXLCZ)99100000000034456120001130d2001 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrFungi as biocontrol agents[electronic resource] progress, problems and potential /edited by T.M. Butt, C. Jackson, N. MaganOxon, UK ;New York CABI Pub.c20011 online resource (400 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-85199-356-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.FUNGI AS BIO CONTROL AGENTS Progress, Problems and Potential; Contents; Contributors; Preface; 1. Introduction - Fungal Biological Control Agents: Progress, Problems and Potential; 2. Commercial Use of Fungi as Plant Disease Biological Control Agents: Status and Prospects; 3. Use of Hyphomycetous Fungi for Managing Insect Pests; 4. Biology, Ecology and Pest Management Potential of Entomophthorales; 5. Exploitation of the Nematophagous Fungal Verticillium chlamydosporium Goddard for the Biological Control of Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.); 6. Fungal Biocontrol Agents of Weeds7. Monitoring the Fate of Biocontrol Fungi8. Prospects for Strain Improvement of Fungal Pathogens of Insects and Weeds; 9. Physiological Approaches to Improving the Ecological Fitness of Fungal Bicontrol Agents; 10. Production, Stabilization and Formulation of Fungal Biocontrol Agents; 11. The Spray Application of Mycopesticide Formulations; 12. Toxic Metabolites of Fungal Biocontrol Agents; 13. Safety of Fungal Biocontrol Agents; 14. Fungal Biological Control Agents - Appraisal and Recommendations; IndexReflecting interest in the use of fungi for the control of pests, weeds and diseases, this book brings together perspectives from pathology, ecology, genetics, physiology and production technology which address the use of fungi as biological control agents.Fungi as biological pest control agentsBiological pest control agentsElectronic books.Fungi as biological pest control agents.Biological pest control agents.579.5632/.96Butt T. M(Tariq M.)930702Jackson C(Chris)930703Magan N(Naresh)930704MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910451387303321Fungi as biocontrol agents2093438UNINA