03512nam 2200697Ia 450 991045122800332120210618012912.01-281-22315-897866112231510-226-06689-410.7208/9780226066899(CKB)1000000000405422(EBL)408381(OCoLC)212408632(SSID)ssj0000205174(PQKBManifestationID)11197108(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000205174(PQKBWorkID)10192717(PQKB)10603154(MiAaPQ)EBC408381(DE-B1597)523358(OCoLC)1135592784(DE-B1597)9780226066899(Au-PeEL)EBL408381(CaPaEBR)ebr10216941(CaONFJC)MIL122315(EXLCZ)99100000000040542219881012d1989 uy 0engurnn#---|u||utxtccrMoney, history, and international finance[electronic resource] essays in honor of Anna J. Schwartz /edited by Michael D. BordoChicago University of Chicago Press19891 online resource (288 p.)A National Bureau of Economic Research conference reportDescription based upon print version of record.0-226-06593-6 Includes bibliography: p. 251-258.Front matter --National Bureau of Economic Research --Contents --Foreword --Preface --Introduction --1. The Contribution of A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960 to Monetary History --2. Anna Schwartz's Perspective on British Economic History --3. Money-Income Causality- A Critical Review of the Literature Since A Monetary History --4. Stability Under the Gold Standard in Practice --5. The International Transmission of Inflation Afloat --Anna J. Schwartz: An Appreciation --Appendix: Publications of Anna J. Schwartz --Participants --Name Index --Subject IndexThis volume provides a critical evaluation of Anna J. Schwartz's work and probes various facets of the immense contribution of her scholarship-How well has it stood the test of time? What critiques have been leveled against it? How has monetary research developed over the years, and how has her influence been manifested? Bordo has collected five conference papers presented by leading monetary scholars, discussants' comments, and closing remarks by Milton Friedman and Karl Brunner. Each of these insightful surveys extends Schwartz's work and makes its own contribution to the fields of monetary history, theory, and policy. The volume also contains a foreword by Martin Feldstein and a selected bibliography of publications by Anna Schwartz.Conference report (National Bureau of Economic Research)Economic historyCongressesInternational financeCongressesMoneyCongressesElectronic books.Economic historyInternational financeMoney332.4332.49Bordo Michael D119439Schwartz Anna J(Anna Jacobson),1915-2012.120103MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910451228003321Money, history, and international finance2125310UNINA