03825oam 2200721I 450 991045099220332120200520144314.01-134-94244-30-415-75556-50-203-40881-01-134-94245-11-280-03728-8978661003728510.4324/9780203408810 (CKB)1000000000256350(EBL)179169(OCoLC)86107782(SSID)ssj0000313879(PQKBManifestationID)11244647(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000313879(PQKBWorkID)10363914(PQKB)11058969(MiAaPQ)EBC179169(Au-PeEL)EBL179169(CaPaEBR)ebr10061157(CaONFJC)MIL3728(OCoLC)53948026(EXLCZ)99100000000025635020180331d1993 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrZoos and animal rights the ethics of keeping animals /Stephen St. C. BostockLondon ;New York :Routledge,1993.1 online resource (240 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-203-32222-3 0-415-05057-X Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Book Cover; Title; Contents; Preface; INTRODUCTION; 4,500 YEARS OF ZOOS AND ANIMAL KEEPING; Mesopotamia; Greece; Rome; Ancient China; Medieval Europe; Medieval China; British deerparks; Late Middle Ages and Renaissance times; Mexico; European zoos 1500 1800; Menageries; London Zoo in the nineteenth century; Carl Hagenbeck; Woburn; Other twentieth-century developments; ANIMALS AND THEIR RIGHTS; Animal rights; Aramals' right to freedom; WILDNESS, CRUELTY AND DOMINATION; Do zoos keep wild animals?; Cruelty; Domination; WILD LIVING VERSUS ZOO LIVING; Are zoo animals healthier than wild animals?Food, pleasure and purposeEvolution and adaptation; JUDGING WELL-BEING; Breeding; Natural behaviour; Abnormal behaviour; Direct indications; Theoretical assessment; THE KEEPING AND DISPLAY OF ANIMALS; The aesthetics and purpose of zoo design; The aesthetic of the naturalistic; Is it captivity?; WHY CONSERVATION IS A MORAL MATTER; Different ways of conserving; Vandalism; Animals as animals; Why animals merit double respect; ZOOS AND CONSERVATION; Breeding technology; Culling; Reintroduction; Species selection, valuing and finance; Supplementary conservational roles; SCIENCE IN ZOOSGeneral observation and investigationVeterinary study; Genetics; Behaviour; Source for anatomical material; Milieu for scientific activities; On zoos not being scientific; The usefulness of science in zoos; EDUCATION IN ZOOS; WHY KEEP REAL ANIMALS?; On zoological and other gardens; On real plants and animals; Communities or prisons?; TAKING ANIMALS FROM THE WILD; CONCLUSION; Bibliography; Name index; Subject indexA controversial and timely book which explores the long history of zoos as well as the diverse ethica l and technical issues involved. Anyone concerned with humanity's relationship with other animals will find this an inspiring and rewarding book.Zoo animalsZoosPhilosophyAnimal welfareAnimal rightsElectronic books.Zoo animals.ZoosPhilosophy.Animal welfare.Animal rights.179/.3Bostock Stephen St. C.1940,987010MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910450992203321Zoos and animal rights2255547UNINA