03299nam 2200661Ia 450 991045099170332120210612002044.01-84769-977-41-280-50779-997866105077951-85359-893-310.21832/9781853598937(CKB)1000000000337019(EBL)265916(OCoLC)304142935(SSID)ssj0000100179(PQKBManifestationID)11113553(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000100179(PQKBWorkID)10016801(PQKB)10635266(MiAaPQ)EBC265916(DE-B1597)491305(DE-B1597)9781853598937(Au-PeEL)EBL265916(CaPaEBR)ebr10132112(CaONFJC)MIL50779(EXLCZ)99100000000033701920060201d2006 uy 0engurnn#---|u||utxtccrAge and the rate of foreign language learning[electronic resource] /edited by Carmen MuñozClevedon, [England] ;Buffalo Multilingual Mattersc20061 online resource (295 p.)Second language acquisition ;19Description based upon print version of record.1-85359-891-7 1-85359-892-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Acknowledgements --Introduction --Chapter 1 .The Effects of Age on Foreign Language Learning: The BAF Project --Chapter 2. The Development of English (FL) Perception and Production Skills: Starting Age and Exposure Effects --Chapter 3 .Age Effects on Oral Fluency Development --Chapter 4. Age and Vocabulary Acquisition in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) --Chapter 5. Accuracy Orders, Rate of Learning and Age in Morphological Acquisition --Chapter 6. Rate and Route of Acquisition in EFL Narrative Development at Different Ages --Chapter 7 .Age and IL Development in Writing --Chapter 8. Age Proficiency Level and Interactional Skills: Evidence from Breakdowns in Production --Chapter 9 .Reported Strategy Use and Age --Chapter 10 .Language Learning Motivation and Age --Appendix 1 --Appendix 2 --Appendix 3 --Appendix 4 --IndexThis book examines the various ways in which age affects the process and the product of foreign language learning in a school setting. It presents studies that cover a wide range of topics, from phonetics to learning strategies. It will be of interest to students and researchers working in SLA research, language planning and language teaching.Second language acquisition (Clevedon, England) ;19.Language acquisitionAge factorsLanguage and languagesStudy and teachingElectronic books.Language acquisitionAge factors.Language and languagesStudy and teaching.418Muñoz Carmen1047613MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910450991703321Age and the rate of foreign language learning2475306UNINA