05338nam 2200709Ia 450 991045094490332120200520144314.01-281-28451-397866112845100-470-22371-5(CKB)1000000000413678(EBL)335716(OCoLC)476150280(SSID)ssj0000131178(PQKBManifestationID)11132580(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000131178(PQKBWorkID)10018311(PQKB)10372205(MiAaPQ)EBC335716(Au-PeEL)EBL335716(CaPaEBR)ebr10295880(CaONFJC)MIL128451(EXLCZ)99100000000041367820070517d2008 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrCost of capital[electronic resource] applications and examples /Shannon P. Pratt, Roger J. Grabowski3rd ed.Hoboken, N.J. John Wiley & Sonsc20081 online resource (818 p.)Previous editions had subtitle: Estimation and applications.0-470-17115-4 Includes bibliographical references (p. 655-681) and index.COST OF CAPITAL: Applications and Examples, Third Edition; Contents; About the Authors; Foreword; Preface; WHAT'S NEW IN THIS EDITION; AUDIENCES FOR THE BOOK; PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS; Acknowledgments; Introduction; PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE OF THIS BOOK; OVERVIEW; IMPORTANCE OF THE COST OF CAPITAL; COST OF CAPITAL ESSENTIAL IN THE MARKETPLACE; SOUND SUPPORT ESSENTIAL IN THE COURTROOM; ORGANIZATION OF THIS BOOK; SUMMARY; Notation System and Abbreviations Used in This Book; VALUE AT A POINT IN TIME; COST OF CAPITAL AND RATE OF RETURN VARIABLES; INCOME VARIABLES; PERIODS OR VARIABLES IN A SERIESWEIGHTINGS GROWTH; MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS; NOTATION FOR REAL PROPERTY VALUATION (CHAPTER 36); ABBREVIATIONS; Part 1: Cost of Capital Basics; Chapter 1: Defining Cost of Capital; INTRODUCTION; COMPONENTS OF A COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE; COST OF CAPITAL IS A FUNCTION OF THE INVESTMENT; COST OF CAPITAL IS FORWARD LOOKING; COST OF CAPITAL IS BASED ON MARKET VALUE, NOT BOOK VALUE; COST OF CAPITAL IS USUALLY STATED IN NOMINAL TERMS; COST OF CAPITAL EQUALS THE DISCOUNT RATE; DISCOUNT RATE IS NOT THE SAME AS CAPITALIZATION RATE; SUMMARYChapter 2: Introduction to Cost of Capital Applications: Valuation and Project Selection INTRODUCTION; NET CASH FLOW IS THE PREFERRED ECONOMIC INCOME MEASURE; COST OF CAPITAL IS THE PROPER DISCOUNT RATE; PRESENT VALUE FORMULA; EXAMPLE: VALUING A BOND; APPLICATIONS TO BUSINESSES, BUSINESS INTERESTS, PROJECTS, AND DIVISIONS; SUMMARY; Chapter 3: Net Cash Flow: Preferred Measure of Economic Income; INTRODUCTION; DEFINING NET CASH FLOW; NET CASH FLOWS SHOULD BE PROBABILITY-WEIGHTED EXPECTED VALUES; WHY NET CASH FLOW IS THE PREFERRED MEASURE OF ECONOMIC INCOME; RESIDUAL EARNINGS; SUMMARYADDITIONAL READING Chapter 4: Discounting versus Capitalizing; INTRODUCTION; CAPITALIZATION FORMULA; EXAMPLE: VALUING A PREFERRED STOCK; FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DISCOUNT RATE AND CAPITALIZATION RATE; MAJOR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DISCOUNTING AND CAPITALIZING; CONSTANT GROWTH OR GORDON GROWTH MODEL; COMBINING DISCOUNTING AND CAPITALIZING (TWO-STAGE MODEL); EQUIVALENCY OF DISCOUNTING AND CAPITALIZING MODELS; MIDYEAR CONVENTION; MATCHING PROJECTION PERIODS TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: PARTIAL FIRST YEAR; CAPITALIZING RESIDUAL EARNINGS; SUMMARYChapter 5: Relationship between Risk and the Cost of Capital INTRODUCTION; DEFINING RISK; HOW RISK IMPACTS THE COST OF CAPITAL; TYPES OF RISK; COST OF EQUITY CAPITAL; COST OF INVESTED CAPITAL OR OVERALL COST OF CAPITAL; SUMMARY; Chapter 5A: FASB's Concepts Statement No. 7: Cash Flows and Present Value Discount Rates; Chapter 6: Cost Components of a Company's Capital Structure; INTRODUCTION; DEBT CAPITAL; PREFERRED EQUITY; CONVERTIBLE DEBT AND PREFERRED EQUITY; EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTIONS; COMMON EQUITY; SUMMARY; Part 2: Estimating the Cost of Equity Capital and the Overall Cost of CapitalChapter 7: Build-up MethodIn this long-awaited Third Edition of Cost of Capital: Applications and Examples, renowned valuation experts and authors Shannon Pratt and Roger Grabowski address the most controversial issues and problems in estimating the cost of capital. This authoritative book makes a timely and significant contribution to the business valuation body of knowledge and is an essential part of the expert's library.Capital investmentsBusiness enterprisesValuationCapital investmentsUnited StatesBusiness enterprisesValuationUnited StatesElectronic books.Capital investments.Business enterprisesValuation.Capital investmentsBusiness enterprisesValuation658.15/2Pratt Shannon P116635Grabowski Roger J925460MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910450944903321Cost of capital2078064UNINA04185 am 2200769 n 450 9910340604303321201906072-7535-6829-410.4000/books.pur.110861(CKB)4100000009194773(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-110861(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/45779(PPN)267960964(EXLCZ)99410000000919477320190910j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierÉcrire sous l'Occupation Du non-consentement à la Résistance, France-Belgique-Pologne, 1940-1945 /Bruno Curatolo, François MarcotRennes Presses universitaires de Rennes20191 online resource (424 p.) 2-7535-1463-1 Qu'est-ce qui pousse des hommes et des femmes à écrire pour dire leur « mal vivre » sur un sol occupé ? La première originalité de cet ouvrage est de répondre à cette question en élargissant le plus possible le champ d'investigation. Ont été pris en considération les différents types d'écrits – publics, intimes, clandestins, dans ou hors du champ littéraire – qui manifestèrent en France, entre 1940 et 1945, un refus de la résignation et de la passivité face à l'occupation et incarnèrent tout l'éventail des comportements allant « du non-consentement à la résistance ». À cet objectif ambitieux correspond une approche interdisciplinaire inédite qui combine analyses littéraires et historiennes, ainsi qu'une dimension comparatiste : les cas belge et polonais ont permis de mesurer les effets des variations des conditions d'occupation et des contextes culturels nationaux. L'ouvrage s'organise autour de cinq axes : l'écriture intime, l'écriture clandestine (presse, tracts, chants des maquis), les formes littéraires (poésie, théâtre, roman), les modalités de l'engagement chez les écrivains, l'écriture face à la persécution et à la répression (journaux et correspondances de Juifs, graffitis de détenus, lettres de condamnés à mort). Que ces contributions traitent de genres, d'auteurs ou d'œuvres, deux questions principales les parcourent. Quelles fonctions remplissent ces écrits : conceptualiser, agir, affirmer une identité ? Quelles mutations surviennent en période d'occupation, en fonction des différents régimes d'écriture : journalistique ou littéraire, testimonial ou fictionnel, à visée intime ou publique ?HistoryRésistanceécrituresoccupation allemandeécrituresoccupation allemandeRésistanceHistoryRésistanceécrituresoccupation allemandeBaillaud Bernard1291022Curatolo Bruno1284584Debreuille Jean-Yves193445Debruyne Emmanuel1291023Douzou Laurent1286978Fréché Bibiane1291024Gotovitch José1291025Grabowski Waldemar1291026Guérin Jeanyves424666Laborie Pierre685690Laffitte Michel1291027Lejeune Philippe148349Leroux Bruno1285218Louette Jean-François1282712Maerten Fabrice1285916Marcot François1291028Mouchard-Zay Hélène1291029Piketty Guillaume595306Rodak Paweł1291030Schmitt Michel P186042Simonin Anne677459Sowiński Paweł1291031Vanderpelen-Diagre Cécile443105Vast Cécile1286981Curatolo Bruno1284584Marcot François1291028FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910340604303321Écrire sous l'Occupation3021770UNINA