03416oam 2200709I 450 991045072250332120200520144314.01-134-36138-60-203-69451-11-280-09620-90-415-32044-510.4324/9780203694510 (CKB)1000000000447992(SSID)ssj0000288408(PQKBManifestationID)11248440(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000288408(PQKBWorkID)10372448(PQKB)11744249(MiAaPQ)EBC200451(Au-PeEL)EBL200451(CaPaEBR)ebr10094684(CaONFJC)MIL9620(OCoLC)57241739(EXLCZ)99100000000044799220180331d2005 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrAgeing and place perspectives, policy, practice /edited by Gavin J. Andrews and David R. PhillipsLondon ;New York :Routledge,2005.xv, 252 p. ill., mapsRoutledge studies in human geography ;9Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-415-48165-1 0-203-68406-0 Includes bibliographical references (p. [205]-244) and index.chapter INTRODUCTION /Gavin J. Andrews -- chapter 1 Geographical studies in ageing: progress and connections to social gerontology /Gavin J. Andrews -- chapter 2 PLACING AGEING -- Positionings in the study of older people /Robin A. Kearns -- chapter 3 Multi-disciplinary con?gurations in gerontology /Pia C. Kontos -- chapter 4 INTERNATIONAL DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITIONS /Kevin McCracken -- chapter 5 RESIDENTIAL HOMES -- From distributions in space to the elements of place /Gavin J. Andrews -- chapter 6 HOME AS A NEW SITE OF CARE PROVISION AND CONSUMPTION /Janine Wiles -- chapter 7 HEALTHY AGEING IN THE COMMUNITY /Helen Bartlett -- chapter 8 The physically ageing body and the use of space KICHU NAIR /Kichu Nair -- chapter 9 ENVIRONMENT AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSES TO AGEING /Robyn Findlay -- chapter 10 Ageing in rural communities: vulnerable people in vulnerable places /Alun E. Joseph -- chapter 11 AGEING AND THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT /David R. Phillips, Oi-Ling Siu, Anthony G.-O. Yeh and Kevin H. C. Cheng -- chapter 12 IMAGINED LANDSCAPES OF AGE AND IDENTITY /Andrew Blaikie -- chapter 13 CATALOGUING OLD AGE /Bill Bytheway -- chapter 14 MAKING SPACE FOR IDENTITY /Sheila M. Peace.Routledge studies in human geography ;9.GerontologyHuman geographyOlder peopleSocial conditionsOlder peopleServices forAge distribution (Demography)Electronic books.Gerontology.Human geography.Older peopleSocial conditions.Older peopleServices for.Age distribution (Demography)305.2674.93bclAndrews Gavin J.1970-888515Phillips David R.1968-925730MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910450722503321Ageing and place2115039UNINA04349nam 22007453u 450 991046422510332120210108071020.0(CKB)2670000000517799(EBL)1354795(SSID)ssj0001549129(PQKBManifestationID)16158018(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001549129(PQKBWorkID)14806077(PQKB)10479211(MiAaPQ)EBC1354795(EXLCZ)99267000000051779920131223d2001|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrSlavery & the Law[electronic resource]Lanham Rowman & Littlefield Publishers20011 online resource (477 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-945612-36-2 Title page; Copyright page; Dedication Page; CONTENTS; Acknowledgments; Introduction The Centrality of Slavery in American Legal Development Paul Finkelman; Part I Theories of Democracy and the Law of Slavery; 1 Learning the Three ""I''s of America's Slave Heritage Derrick Bell; 2 Ideology and Imagery in the Law of SlaveryWilliam W Fisher III; Part II Constitutional Law and Slavery; 3 Slavery in the Canon of Constitutional LawSanford Levinson; 4 Chief Justice Hornblower of New Jersey andthe Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 Paul Finkelman5 A Federal Assault: African-Americans and the Impactof the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 James Oliver Horton and Lois E. Horton6 The Crisis Over The Impending Crisis:Free Speech,Slavery, and the Fourteenth AmendmentMichael Kent Curtis; Part III Criminal and Civil Law of Slavery; 7 Slaves and the Rules of Evidence in Criminal Trials Thomas D. Morris; 8 ""Details are of a Most Revolting Character"": Cruelty to Slaves as Seen in Appeals to the Supreme Court of Louisiana Judith Kelleher Schafer; The Unreported Case of Humphreysv. Utz9 Pandora's Box: Slave Character on Trial inthe Antebellum Deep South Ariela Gross10 Slave Auctions on the Courthouse Steps: 329Court Sales of Slaves in Antebellum South Carolina Thomas D. Russell; Part IV Comparative Law and Slavery; 11 Seventeenth-CenturyJurists, Roman Law, and Slavery Alan Watson; 12 The British Constitution and the Creation of American SlaveryJonathan A. Bush; 13 Thinking Property at Rome Alan Watson; 14 Thinking Property at Memphis: An Application of Watson Jacob I. Corre; Notes on Contributors; IndexIn this book, prominent historians of slavery and legal scholars analyze the intricate relationship between slavery, race, and the law from the earliest Black Codes in colonial America to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law and the Dred Scott decision prior to the Civil War. Slavery & the Law's wide-ranging essays focus on comparative slave law, auctioneering practices, rules of evidence, and property rights, as well as issues of criminality, punishment, and constitutional law.SlaveryHistoryLaw and legislationUnited StatesSlaveryHistoryLaw and legislationConstitutional Law - U.SHILCCLaw - U.SHILCCLaw, Politics & GovernmentHILCCElectronic books.SlaveryHistoryLaw and legislationSlaveryHistoryLaw and legislationConstitutional Law - U.S.Law - U.S.Law, Politics & Government342.73/087347.30287Finkelman Paul626812Bell Derrick914652Bush Jonathan A297679Corré Jacob I914653Curtis Michael Kent914654Fisher III William W914655Gross Ariela914656Horton James Oliver914657Horton Lois914658Levinson Sanford914659Morris Thomas D914660Russell Thomas D914661Schafer Judith Kelleher914662Watson Alan1933-2018.914663AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910464225103321Slavery & the Law2049890UNINA03071nam 22006375 450 991045617450332120210415185105.01-282-35284-997866123528430-300-15496-810.12987/9780300154962(CKB)2520000000006625(StDuBDS)AH23050049(SSID)ssj0000295161(PQKBManifestationID)11225715(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000295161(PQKBWorkID)10312722(PQKB)10478177(MiAaPQ)EBC3420635(DE-B1597)485076(OCoLC)1024022712(DE-B1597)9780300154962(MiAaPQ)EBC1807148(EXLCZ)99252000000000662520200424h20102010 fg engur|||||||||||txtccrThe End of Everything /David Bergelson; Joseph ShermanNew Haven, CT :Yale University Press,[2010]©20101 online resource (256 p.)New Yiddish Library SeriesBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-300-11067-7 Includes bibliographical references.Frontmatter --Contents --Introduction --Part 1. Velvl Burnes --Part 2. Mirel --Part 3. The Beginning of the End --Part 4. The End of EverythingOriginally published in 1913, When All Is Said and Done is one of the great novels of the twentieth century. Considered David Bergelson's masterpiece, it was written in Yiddish and until now has been unavailable in a complete and accurate English translation. This version by acclaimed translator Joseph Sherman finally brings the novel to a wide English-speaking audience. Bergelson depicts the lives of upwardly mobile, self-aware nouveaux riche Jews in the waning years of the Russian Empire. The central character, Mirel Hurvits, is an educated, beautiful woman who embodies the conflict between tradition and progress, aristocracy and enterprise. A forced marriage of convenience results in Mirel's emotional disintegration and provokes a confrontation with the expectations of her pious family and with Jewish tradition. In a unique prose style of unsurpassable range and beauty, Bergelson reduces language to its bare essentials, punctuated by silences that heighten the sense of alienation in the story.New Yiddish library.Yiddish fictionYiddish literatureElectronic books.Yiddish fiction.Yiddish literature.839/.133Bergelson Davidauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut553230Sherman Joseph1041522Sherman Josephedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtDE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910456174503321The End of Everything2465107UNINA01623nam0 22002893i 450 VAN0013233320240806100836.59920201222d2019 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Il nuovo regolamento edilizio tipoAnalisi dettagliata del Regolamento (comma 1-sexies, art. 4 del T.U. edilizia), aggiornato con il recepimento delle regioniMario PetrulliSantarcangelo di Romagna : Maggioli201957 p.24 cmFormato ebook.Ebook consultabile dai pc della bibliotecaIT-IT-CE0107 CONSEbook28file29555buono di carico n.11 del 01/12/2020IT-IT-CE0107 CONSEbook28(bis)file29555Santarcangelo di RomagnaVANL000123PetrulliMarioVANV105978287989Maggioli <editore>VANV108045650ITSOL20240906RICAhttps://www.sicurpal.it/file/Home/annunciallegato/2019/e%20book%20maggiorli.pdfhttps://www.sicurpal.it/file/Home/annunciallegato/2019/e%20book%20maggiorli.pdfVAN00132333BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE01CONS Ebook28 file29555 01EBA1597 20201222 Ebook consultabile dai pc della bibliotecaBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE01CONS Ebook28(bis) file29555 01EBA1571 20210115 buono di carico n.11 del 01/12/2020Nuovo regolamento edilizio tipo1763052UNICAMPANIA