03970oam 2200649I 450 991045070750332120180706115050.01-280-28953-80-203-49109-297866102895301-134-37041-510.4324/9780203491096 (CKB)1000000000444814(EBL)182617(OCoLC)62079997(SSID)ssj0000105153(PQKBManifestationID)11130481(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000105153(PQKBWorkID)10108847(PQKB)11052123(MiAaPQ)EBC182617(Au-PeEL)EBL182617(CaPaEBR)ebr10162629(CaONFJC)MIL28953(FlBoTFG)9780203491096(EXLCZ)99100000000044481420180706d2005 uy 0engur||| |||||txtccrArchaeology the key concepts /edited by Colin Renfrew and Paul BahnLondon ;New York :Routledge,2005.1 online resource (317 p.)Routledge key guidesDescription based upon print version of record.0-415-31758-4 0-415-31757-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.ARCHAEOLOGY; Copyright; Contents; List of Key Concepts; Contributors; Introduction; Key Concepts; Agency; The antiquity of man; Archaeoastronomy; Archaeogenetics; Catastrophist archaeology; The chaîne opératoire; Characterisation and exchange theory; Childe's revolutions; Cognitive archaeology; Archaeology of cult and religion; Cultural evolution; 'Dark Ages' in archaeology/ systems collapse; Darwinian archaeology; Ideas in relative and absolute dating; The descent of man; Theorising diffusion and population movements; Ecological archaeology; Environmental archaeology; EpistemologyEthnoarchaeologyThe evolution of social complexity and the state; Key ideas in excavation; Experimental archaeology; Feminist archaeology; Archaeological formation processes; Gender archaeology; Habitus; Historical archaeology and text; Holistic/contextual archaeology; Indigenous archaeologies; Innovation and invention - independent event or historical process?; Thinking about landscape; Material engagement and materialisation; Materialism, Marxism and archaeology; Mental modularity; Multiregional evolution; Non-linear processes and archaeology; Notions of the personOrganisation of societies, including chiefdomsPeer polity interaction; Phenomenological archaeology; Post-processual and interpretive archaeology; Processual archaeology; Public archaeology/museology/ conservation/heritage; Simulation; Site catchment analysis; Social archaeology; Theory of social practice; Principles of stratigraphic succession; Survey; Symbolic and structuralist archaeology; Systems thinking; The Three Ages; Concepts of time; Uniformitarianism; IndexFrom two of the best-known archaeological writers in the trade, this outstanding resource provides a thorough survey of the key ideas in archaeology, and how they impact on archaeological thinking and method.Clearly written, and easy to follow, Archaeology: The Key Concepts collates entries written specifically by field specialists, and each entry offers a definition of the term, its origins and development, and all the major figures involved in the area.The entries include:thinking about landscapearchaeology of cult and religion</LIRoutledge key guides.ArchaeologyElectronic books.Archaeology.930.1/01Bahn Paul G254682Renfrew Colin1937-164593FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910450707503321Archaeology31159UNINA