03824oam 22006852a 450 991045061560332120200514202323.01-4742-1533-51-84788-327-310.5040/9781474215336(CKB)1000000000404536(EBL)487186(OCoLC)290552280(SSID)ssj0000215226(PQKBManifestationID)11199323(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000215226(PQKBWorkID)10185055(PQKB)11517450(MiAaPQ)EBC487186(Au-PeEL)EBL487186(CaPaEBR)ebr10233356(CaONFJC)MIL615913(OCoLC)893334841(UkLoBP)bpp09257517(EXLCZ)99100000000040453620061017d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrOpen fire[electronic resource] understanding global gun cultures /edited by Charles Fruehling SpringwoodEnglish ed.Oxford, U.K. ;New York Berg20071 online resource (240 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-84520-417-4 1-84520-416-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.The social life of guns: an introduction / Charles Fruehling Springwood -- Gunscapes : toward a global geography of the firearm / Charles Fruehling Springwood -- Gun politics : reflections on Brazil's failed gun ban referendum in the Rio de Janeiro context / Donna Goldstein -- Of guns, children, and the maelstrom : determining purposive actions in Israeli-perpetrated firearm deaths of Palestinian children and minors / Frank M. Afflitto -- Silent but still deadly : guns and the peace process in Northern Ireland / Jeffrey A. Sluka -- Warriors and guns : the anthropology of cattle rustling in northeastern Africa / Nene Mburu -- Arming desire : the sexual force of guns in the United States / C. Richard King -- Drawing a virtual gun / Katherine Gregory -- "Gun rights are civil rights" : racism and the right to keep and bear arms in the United States / Christy Allen -- "Man to man" : power and male relationships in the gunplay film / Robert Arjet -- Aiming for manhood : the transformation of guns into objects of American masculinity / Amy Ann Cox -- "I shot the sheriff" : gun talk in Jamaican popular music / Carolyn Cooper -- Playing at hate : war games, the Aryan World Congress, and the American psyche / Robert Rinehart -- The celebration of violence : a live-fire demonstration carried out by Japan's contemporary military / Eyal Ben-Ari and Sabine Frohstick.Guns are everywhere: three quarters of a billion guns - from pistols to machine guns exist in the world. Illustrated with a range of case material - from North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa, this work explores and questions this global icon. Why do guns proliferate? What does it mean to shoot or to be shot? And more. Please note that images or diagrams have been excluded from this text due to copyright restrictions.FirearmsSocial aspectsCross-cultural studiesFirearms in popular cultureCross-cultural studiesFirearms ownershipViolenceGun controlFirearmsSocial aspectsFirearms in popular cultureFirearms ownership.Violence.Gun control.303.6Springwood Charles Fruehling882521UtOrBLWUtOrBLWUkLoBPBOOK9910450615603321Open fire1971205UNINA