03336nam 2200637Ia 450 991045058960332120200520144314.01-280-92946-497866109294671-84642-571-9(CKB)1000000000338043(EBL)296034(OCoLC)437181925(SSID)ssj0000235845(PQKBManifestationID)11205583(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000235845(PQKBWorkID)10164551(PQKB)11657128(MiAaPQ)EBC296034(Au-PeEL)EBL296034(CaPaEBR)ebr10182470(CaONFJC)MIL92946(EXLCZ)99100000000033804320060915d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrReminiscence theatre[electronic resource] making theatre from memories /Pam Schweitzer ; foreword by Glenda JacksonLondon ;Philadelphia Jessica Kingsley Publishers20071 online resource (274 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-84310-430-X Includes bibliographical references (p. 257-265) and index.Cover; Reminiscence Theatre:Making Theatre from Memories; Contents; FOREWORD BY GLENDA JACKSON MP; PREFACE; INTRODUCTION BY FAITH GIBSON; ABOUT THIS BOOK; BACKGROUND TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF REMINISCENCE THEATRE; Part 1:Reminiscence Theatre:Process and Product; Chapter 1:Setting Up a ReminiscenceTheatre Company; Chapter 2:From Interviews to Verbatim Script; Chpater 3:Developing the Practiceof Verbatim Theatre; Chapter 4:Reflecting a Multicultural Society; Chapter 5:Dramatising Jewishand Irish Elders' Memories; Chapter 6:A Sense of Place and Time; Chapter 7:Staging and TouringReminiscence TheatrePart 2:Participatory andInter-generational ProjectsChapter 8:Theatrical Scenes StimulatingAudience Participation; Chapter 9:Reminiscence Theatrein Education Projects; Chapter 10:Reminiscence Theatrein a Youth Theatre Context; Chapter 11:Inter-generationalPlay-making in Schools; Part 3:Older People Dramatising andPerforming their Memories; Chapter 12:Older People Enactingtheir Own Memories; Chapter 13:Minority Ethnic Elders MakeTheatre from their Lives; Chapter 14:Use of Drama in Outreach Workand in Dementia Care; Conclusion; NOTES; REFERENCES; INDEXThis book is a comprehensive guide to the nature, practice and therapeutic effects of reminiscence theatre. Drawing on examples from real-life case studies, Pam Schweitzer provides practical advice on the process of taking an oral history, creating from it a written script and developing that into a dramatic production, on whatever scale.Amateur theaterTheater and older peoplePlaywritingOral historyElectronic books.Amateur theater.Theater and older people.Playwriting.Oral history.792/.0222Schweitzer Pam726975MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910450589603321Reminiscence theatre2041956UNINA