03681nam 2200769Ia 450 991045049460332120210611001557.01-280-50179-097866105017931-85359-871-210.21832/9781853598715(CKB)1000000000245106(EBL)255750(OCoLC)560065438(SSID)ssj0000120953(PQKBManifestationID)11142224(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000120953(PQKBWorkID)10092885(PQKB)10207731(OCoLC)647486646(MiAaPQ)EBC255750(DE-B1597)514098(OCoLC)70320492(DE-B1597)9781853598715(MiAaPQ)EBC5292284(Au-PeEL)EBL255750(CaPaEBR)ebr10120624(CaONFJC)MIL533837(Au-PeEL)EBL5292284(CaONFJC)MIL50179(OCoLC)1028944817(EXLCZ)99100000000024510620050729d2006 uy 0engurnn#---|u||utxtccrChildhood bilingualism[electronic resource] research on infancy through school age /edited by Peggy McCardle and Erika HoffNew EditionClevedon Multilingual Mattersc20061 online resource (180 p.)Child language and child development ;7Description based upon print version of record.1-85359-869-0 1-85359-870-4 Includes bibliographical references.Front matter --Contents --Introduction --Chapter 1. Bilingual Speech Processing in Infants and Adults --Chapter 2. When Infants Hear Two Languages: Interpreting Research on Early Speech Perception by Bilingual Children --Chapter 3. The Onset of Word Form Recognition in One Language and in Two --Chapter 4. Bilingual First Language Acquisition in Perspective --Chapter 5. Social Factors in Bilingual Development: The Miami Experience --Chapter 6. Developing Literacy in English-language Learners: An Examination of the Impact of English-only Versus Bilingual Instruction --Chapter 7. Bilingualism at School: Effect on the Acquisition of Literacy --Chapter 8. Adult Bilingualism and Bilingual Development --Chapter 9 Finding the Points of Contact: Language Acquisition in Children Raised in Monolingual, Bilingual and Multilingual Environments --Chapter 10. Multiple Perspectives on Research on Childhood Bilingualism --Chapter 11. An Agenda for Research on Childhood Bilingualism --The ContributorsThis book contains reports of research on bilingualism in infants and children as well as perspectives from those involved in cross-linguistic research on language development, literacy development in bilingual children, and psycholinguistic research on bilingualism in adults. It offers a fresh multidisciplinary perspective and next steps for research on childhood bilingualism.Child language and child development ;7.Bilingualism in childrenLanguage acquisitionLiteracyElectronic books.Bilingualism in children.Language acquisition.Literacy.404.2083McCardle Peggy D981135Hoff Erika1951-949135MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910450494603321Childhood bilingualism2443187UNINA