04028nam 2200745Ia 450 991045043040332120200520144314.01-280-44175-50-19-802386-397866104417541-4237-3686-90-19-535790-61-60129-998-2(CKB)1000000000028743(EBL)241449(OCoLC)475956748(SSID)ssj0000364829(PQKBManifestationID)12081352(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000364829(PQKBWorkID)10399105(PQKB)10661400(SSID)ssj0000229242(PQKBManifestationID)11190702(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000229242(PQKBWorkID)10171882(PQKB)10713621(MiAaPQ)EBC241449(Au-PeEL)EBL241449(CaPaEBR)ebr10086923(CaONFJC)MIL44175(EXLCZ)99100000000002874319920616d1993 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrPromoting the health of adolescents[electronic resource] new directions for the twenty-first century /editors, Susan G. Millstein, Anne C. Petersen, Elena O. NightingaleNew York Oxford University Press19931 online resource (418 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-19-507454-8 0-19-509188-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; Contributors; 1. Adolescent Heath Promotion: Rationale, Goals, and Objectives; 2. Adolescent Development: Health Risks and Opportunities for Health Promotion; 3. The Influence of Economic Factors on Health-Related Behaviors in Adolescents; 4. Health Promotion for Minority Adolescents: Cultural Considerations; 5. The Social World of Adolescents: Families, Peers, Schools, and the Community; 6. A View of Health from the Adolescent's Perspective; 7. Health-Enhancing and Health-Compromising Lifestyles; 8. Promoting Positive Mental Health during Adolescence9. ""Sex Is a Gamble, Kissing Is a Game"": Adolescent Sexuality and Health Promotion10. Promoting Healthful Diet and Physical Activity; 11. Promoting Oral Health in Adolescents; 12. Promoting Healthy Alternatives to Substance Abuse; 13. The Control of Violence and the Promotion of Nonviolence in Adolescents; 14. Promoting Safety in Adolescents; 15. From Causal Description to Causal Explanation: Improving Three Already Good Evaluations of Adolescent Health Programs; 16. Adolescent Health Promotion in the Twenty-first Century: Current Frontiers and Future Directions; IndexChronic diseases and premature death can often be linked to social, environmental, and behavioral factors that are subject to modification, especially during adolescence when many habits--both good and bad--are formed. In order to effectively encourage good health-related behaviors among adolescents, health providers need an integrated understanding of the many factors involved. This volume fills that need by providing the most comprehensive, up-to-date review of the pertinent issues, including in-depth discussions on adolescent sexuality, substance abuse, the future of adolescent health promoTeenagersHealth and hygieneHealth behavior in adolescenceHealth promotionElectronic books.TeenagersHealth and hygiene.Health behavior in adolescence.Health promotion.613.0433Millstein Susan G.1950-954802Petersen Anne C143137Nightingale Elena O954803MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910450430403321Promoting the health of adolescents2159557UNINA01849nam0 2200385 i 450 VAN0013380520240806100840.391N978331918887420210419d2015 |0itac50 baengCH|||| |||||Relationship Between Structure and Magnetic Behaviour in ZnO-Based SystemsDoctoral Thesis accepted by the University of Zaragoza, SpainClara Guglieri RodríguezChamSpringer2015xiv, 146 p.ill.24 cm001VAN001041932001 Springer thesesrecognizing outstanding Ph.D. research210 BerlinSpringer2010-VAN00134459Relationship Between Structure and Magnetic Behaviour in ZnO-Based Systems177232400A79 (77-XX)Physics [MSC 2020]VANC023182MFCore-shell structureKW:KMagnetic semiconductorsKW:KSurface magnetismKW:KX-ray Absorption SpectroscopyKW:KX-ray magnetic circular dichroismKW:KZinc oxide nanoparticlesKW:KCHChamVANL001889Guglieri RodríguezClaraVANV107558792519Springer <editore>VANV108073650ITSOL20250314RICAhttp://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-18887-4E-book – Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o ShibbolethBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICAIT-CE0120VAN08NVAN00133805BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08DLOAD e-book 2438 08eMF2438 20210419 Relationship Between Structure and Magnetic Behaviour in ZnO-Based Systems1772324UNICAMPANIA