02479nam 2200577 a 450 991046122360332120200520144314.01-283-23203-0978661323203894-006-0030-5(CKB)2670000000108192(EBL)752432(OCoLC)746747217(SSID)ssj0000538534(PQKBManifestationID)12197835(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000538534(PQKBWorkID)10560401(PQKB)11193423(MiAaPQ)EBC3327181(Au-PeEL)EBL3327181(CaPaEBR)ebr10493668(CaONFJC)MIL323203(EXLCZ)99267000000010819220110929d2011 uy 0dutur|n|---|||||txtccrLevende beelden[electronic resource] kunst werken en kijken /onder redactie van Caroline van Eck en Stijn BusselsLeiden Leiden University Press20111 online resource (129 p.)Description based upon print version of record.90-8728-111-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Levende beelden; Inhoudsopgave; Woord vooraf; Inleiding Gemankeerde Pygmalions en succesvolle Medusa's; Meer dan beeldende liefde Extreme reacties op Praxiteles' Venus van Cnidus; Burger, wilt gij wel gelooven, dat he twerken sijn van boven!Beelden en hun omstreden werking in een door crisis geteisterd Venetië; Een schouwburg als heersersportretRanuccio I's teatro Farnese in Parma; Van wonderdoende munten tot krachtige relieken Sixtus V en de goudschat van het Lateraans paleiste Rome (1587); De verleiding van het vlees Aanraking en opwinding in de Italiaanse baroksculptuur; NotenBibliografieOver de auteurs; Index van de belangrijkste onderwerpenThroughout the ages, and all over the world people have treated works of art as if they were living beings. This has until recently been dismissed as idolatry or fetishism.Human figure in artElectronic books.Human figure in art.709.2Eck Caroline van698250Bussels Stijn963565MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910461223603321Levende beelden2221069UNINA05261nam 2200697Ia 450 991044999530332120200520144314.01-280-46484-497866104648451-4175-4550-X90-474-0101-8(CKB)1000000000032942(EBL)253512(OCoLC)191039276(SSID)ssj0000133862(PQKBManifestationID)11149960(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000133862(PQKBWorkID)10046646(PQKB)11608296(MiAaPQ)EBC253512(Au-PeEL)EBL253512(CaPaEBR)ebr10090571(CaONFJC)MIL46484(OCoLC)56761558(EXLCZ)99100000000003294220020415d2002 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrA cumulative bibliography of medieval military history and technology[electronic resource] /by Kelly DeVriesLeiden ;Boston Brill20021 online resource (1128 p.)History of warfare,1385-7827 ;8Includes index.90-04-12227-3 Table of Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; General; Methodology; Late Antiquity - General; Medieval - General; Medieval - Barbarian Invasions; Medieval - Battle Orations; Medieval - Booty; Medieval - Bouvines (battle of); Medieval - Byzantium; Medieval - Carolingian; Medieval - Cavalry; Medieval - Chivalry; Medieval - Chivalry - Chivalric Orders; Medieval - Chivalry - Heraldry; Medieval - Chivalry - Knights and Knighthood; Medieval - Chivalry - Monumental Effigies; Medieval - Chivalry - Tournaments; Medieval - Church (also Just War); Medieval - Crusades - GeneralMedieval - Crusades - OriginsMedieval - Crusades - First; Medieval - Crusades - Second; Medieval - Crusades - Third; Medieval - Crusades - Fourth and the Latin Kingdom of Constantinople; Medieval - Crusades - Albigensian; Medieval - Crusades - Children's; Medieval - Crusades - Hussites; Medieval - Crusades - Mongols; Medieval - Crusades - Livonian; Medieval - Crusades - Later; Medieval - Crusades - Crusader Kingdoms; Medieval - Declarations of War; Medieval - Diplomacy; Medieval - Eastern Europe (including Russia); Medieval - England; Medieval - England - Anglo-Saxon EnglandMedieval - England - Anglo-Saxon - 1066Medieval - England - Anglo-Norman; Medieval - England - Angevin Kings; Medieval - England - Edward I and II; Medieval - England - English/Scottish Conflicts; Medieval - England - English/Scottish Conflicts - Bannockburn (battle of); Medieval - England - English/Scottish Conflicts - Neville's Cross (battle of); Medieval - England - English/Scottish Conflicts - Otterburn (battle of); Medieval - England - English/Welsh Conflicts; Medieval - England - Wars of the Roses; Medieval - Espionage; Medieval - Financing; Medieval - France; Medieval - France - AnjouMedieval - France - Anjou - Fulk NerraMedieval - France - Gascony and Guyenne; Medieval - France - Normandy; Medieval - France - Oriflamme; Medieval - Holy Roman Empire; Medieval - Hundred Years War - General; Medieval - Hundred Years War - Origins; Medieval - Hundred Years War - Sluys (battle of); Medieval - Hundred Years War - Tournai (siege of); Medieval - Hundred Years War - Crécy (battle of); Medieval - Hundred Years War - Calais (siege of); Medieval - Hundred Years War - Poitiers (battle of); Medieval - Hundred Years War - Aljubarrota (battle of)Medieval - Hundred Years War - Agincourt (battle of)Medieval - Hundred Years War - Cravant (battle of); Medieval - Hundred Years War - Formigny (battle of); Medieval - Hundred Years War - Castillon (battle of); Medieval - Hundred Years War - England; Medieval - Hundred Years War - England - Edward III; Medieval - Hundred Years War - England - John of Gaunt; Medieval - Hundred Years War - England - Richard II; Medieval - Hundred Years War - England - Henry IV; Medieval - Hundred Years War - England - Henry V; Medieval - Hundred Years War - England - Henry VIMedieval - Hundred Years War - England - CalaisUtilizing library catalogues, bibliographies, and footnotes, this bibliography has compiled the most complete list of secondary references to works in medieval military history and the history of military technology.History of warfare ;v. 8.Military art and scienceHistoryTo 1500BibliographyMilitary history, MedievalBibliographyMilitary art and scienceEffect of technological innovations onBibliographyElectronic books.Military art and scienceHistoryMilitary history, MedievalMilitary art and scienceEffect of technological innovations on016.355/0094/0902DeVries Kelly1956-779268MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910449995303321Cumulative Bibliography of Medieval Military History and Technology1670833UNINA01055nam0 22002653i 450 VAN0006438820240806100533.971978-88-206-2856-720080512d1997 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆLe ‰mie piante grasseGiuseppe LodiBolognaEdagricole1997IX, 346 p., 144 p. di tav.ill.28 cmBolognaVANL000003635.9Fiori e piante ornamentali22LodiGiuseppeVANV05121364246Edagricole <editore>VANV108178650ITSOL20240906RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHEIT-CE0101VAN17VAN00064388BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17CONS Ja6 17FSA818 20080512 BuonoMie piante grasse360504UNICAMPANIA