05177oam 2200553 450 991043809880332120190911103509.01-4302-6287-710.1007/978-1-4302-6287-9(OCoLC)879866551(MiFhGG)GVRL6VLZ(EXLCZ)99371000000001900420140429d2013 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtccrJava quick syntax reference /Mikael Olsson1st ed. 2013.New York :Apress,2013.1 online resource (xiii, 74 pages)The expert's voice in JavaGale eBooksIncludes index.1-4302-6286-9 ""Contents at a Glance""; ""Contents""; ""About the Author""; ""Introduction""; ""Chapter 1: Hello World""; ""Installing""; ""Creating a project""; ""Hello world""; ""Code hints""; ""Chapter 2: Compile and Run""; ""Running from the IDE""; ""Running from a console window""; ""Comments""; ""Chapter 3: Variables""; ""Data types""; ""Declaring variables""; ""Assigning variables""; ""Using variables""; ""Integer types""; ""Floating-point types""; ""Char type""; ""Boolean type""; ""Variable scope""; ""Anonymous block""; ""Chapter 4: Operators""; ""Arithmetic operators""; ""Assignment operators""""Combined assignment operators""""Increment and decrement operators""; ""Comparison operators""; ""Logical operators""; ""Bitwise operators""; ""Operator precedence""; ""Chapter 5: String""; ""Combining strings""; ""Escape characters""; ""String compare""; ""StringBuffer class""; ""Chapter 6: Arrays""; ""Array declaration""; ""Array allocation""; ""Array assignment""; ""Multi-dimensional arrays""; ""ArrayList class""; ""Chapter 7: Conditionals""; ""If statement""; ""Switch statement""; ""Ternary operator""; ""Chapter 8: Loops""; ""While loop""; ""Do-while loop""; ""For loop""""Foreach loop""""Break and continue""; ""Labeled block""; ""Chapter 9: Methods""; ""Defining methods""; ""Calling methods""; ""Method parameters""; ""Return statement""; ""Method overloading""; ""Passing arguments""; ""Chapter 10: Class""; ""Object creation""; ""Accessing object members""; ""Constructor""; ""This keyword""; ""Constructor overloading""; ""Constructor chaining""; ""Initial field values""; ""Default constructor""; ""Null""; ""Default values""; ""Garbage collector""; ""Chapter 11: Static""; ""Accessing static members""; ""Static methods""; ""Static fields""""Static initialization blocks""""Instance initialization blocks""; ""Chapter 12: Inheritance""; ""Object""; ""Upcasting""; ""Downcasting""; ""Instanceof operator""; ""Chapter 13: Overriding""; ""Overriding members""; ""Override annotation""; ""Hiding members""; ""Preventing method inheritance""; ""Accessing overridden methods""; ""Calling parent constructor""; ""Chapter 14: Packages and Import""; ""Import specific class""; ""Import package""; ""Import static""; ""Chapter 15: Access Levels""; ""Private access""; ""Package-private access""; ""Protected access""; ""Public access""""Top-level access""""Nested class access""; ""Access level guideline""; ""Chapter 16: Constants""; ""Local constants""; ""Constant fields""; ""Constant method parameters""; ""Compile-time and run-time constants""; ""Constant guideline""; ""Chapter 17: Interface""; ""Interface members""; ""Interface example""; ""Functionality interface""; ""Class interface""; ""Interface classes""; ""Chapter 18: Abstract""; ""Abstract class example""; ""Abstract classes and interfaces""; ""Abstract class and interface guideline""; ""Chapter 19: Enum""; ""Enum example""; ""Enum class""""Chapter 20: Exception Handling""The Java Quick Syntax Reference is a condensed code and syntax reference to the Java programming language. It presents the essential Java syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a language reference that is concise, to the point and highly accessible.  The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any Java programmer. In the Java Quick Syntax Reference, you will find: A concise reference to the Java language syntax Short, simple and focused code examples A well laid out table of contents and a comprehensive index allowing easy review.Expert's voice in Java.Java (Computer program language)Computer scienceObject-oriented programming (Computer science)Java (Computer program language)Computer science.Object-oriented programming (Computer science)004005.11Olsson Mikaelauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut866410MiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910438098803321Java Quick Syntax Reference2115696UNINA