01003nam0-2200277 --450 991043665560332120210225120408.0978-88-925-9712-920210225d2019----kmuy0itay5050 baitaIT 001yy<<I >>materiali dell'architettura italiana tra le due guerreconoscenza e catalogazione per il restauro architettonicoAndrea A. Giuliano[Milano]Streetlib2019178 p.ill.24 cmContenuto tratto dalla tesi di dottorato "Analisi dei materiali per il restauro dell'architettura italiana fra le due guerre".Restauro architettonico720.288094523Giuliano,Andrea<1981->790833ITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910436655603321REST B 423147/2021FARBCFARBCMateriali dell'architettura italiana tra le due guerre1766687UNINA02380nam 2200445 450 991062958700332120230515105344.010.1515/9783110695090(CKB)5590000001000907(NjHacI)995590000001000907(EXLCZ)99559000000100090720230515d2022 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPrimitive Thinking Figuring Alterity in German Modernity /Nicola Gess ; translated by Erik Butler and Susan SolomonBerlin ;Boston :De Gruyter,[2022]©20221 online resource (v, 391 pages)Paradigms ;Volume 133-11-069515-4 Includes bibliographical references and index."This book explores modernity under the spell of the 'primitive.' Proponents of the ideology of progress as well as critics of civilization, utopians dreaming of a re-enchanted existence and supporters and opponents of nascent fascism alike were all profoundly shaped by the phantasm of the 'primitive', a central element of which, this book argues, is the notion of 'primitive thought'. This comprises a distinct mode of thinking--characterized by turns as magical, mythical, mystical, or prelogical--that allows for a fundamentally different way of relating to the world. It was associated not only with indigenous cultures, but also with other figures of alterity, such as children and the mentally ill. The book examines the discourse on 'primitive thinking' in the social sciences, writings on art and language, and--most centrally--literary works by Robert Musil, Walter Benjamin, Gottfried Benn, and Robert Müller."--Publisher's website.Paradigms (Walter de Gruyter & Co.) ;Volume 13.Feral children in literatureGerman literature20th centuryHistory and criticismFeral children in literature.German literatureHistory and criticism.830.900914Gess Nicola1255066Butler ErikSolomon SusanNjHacINjHaclBOOK9910629587003321Primitive Thinking2910062UNINA