02054oam 2200337z- 450 991042457640332120210615113929.0(CKB)3460000000088068(EXLCZ)99346000000008806820121230c2010uuuu uy 0itauubu#---uu|uutxtrdacontentnrdamediancrdacarrierAeroelastic phenomena and pedestrian-structure dynamic interaction on non-conventional bridges and footbridges /edited byClaudio Borri & Claudio ManniniFirenze :Firenze University Press,20101 online resource (148 pages) illustrations; digital, PDF file(s)Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca ;107Print version: 9788864532004 Includes bibliographical references.Fluid-structure and pedestrian-structure interaction phenomena are extremely important for non-conventional bridges. The results presented in this volume concern: simplified formulas for flutter assessment; innovative structural solutions to increase the aeroelastic stability of long-span bridges; numerical simulations of the flow around a benchmark rectangular cylinder; examples of designs of large structures assisted by wind-tunnel tests; analytical, computational and experimental investigation of the synchronisation mechanisms between pedestrians and footbridge structures. The present book is addressed to a wide audience including professionals, doctoral students and researchers, aiming to increase their know-how in the field of wind engineering, bluff-body aerodynamics and bridge dynamics.Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca ;107.ELectronic books.Borri ClaudioMannini ClaudioUkMaJRUBOOK9910424576403321Aeroelastic phenomena and pedestrian-structure dynamic interaction on non-conventional bridges and footbridges1986354UNINA