03023oam 2200493 450 991041803600332120230621135708.0(CKB)4100000011435994(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/49085(EXLCZ)99410000001143599420200929d2018 fy| 0engur||#||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierHandbook of secular bioethics (I) key issues /María Casado, Manuel Jesús López BaroniPublicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona2020Barcelona :Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona,[2018]1 online resource (216 pages) illustrations; digital file(s)Col·lecció de BioèticaTranslated from the Spanish.Print version: Casado, María. Handbook of secular bioethics (I). Barcelona : Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, [2018] 8491683372 Includes bibliographical references.1. The object of bioethics -- 2. The origins of bioethics -- 3. Principles, values and citizens' rights with respect to biomedicine and biotechnology -- 4. Sexual and reproductive health and voluntary termination of pregnancy -- 5. Assisted reproduction -- 6. The end of life -- 7. Transplants -- 8. Bioethics and environmentalismBioethics is a field of knowledge that requires plural approaches and solid scientific foundations to analyse with sufficient rigour the ethical, legal and social consequences of biotechnology and biomedicine. For this reason, this Handbook of Secular Bioethics, the result of many years of teaching and research, is designed to provide the necessary information to those interested in the subject. The ultimate aim is to provide arguments and proposals to encourage autonomy and responsibility, so that bioethical decisions enable the construction of a more transparent and democratic society. This perspective explains why the authors advocate the secular paradigm, based on the idea that the human rights acknowledged in international texts must form the universal minimum ethical threshold as a suitable legal and political model to ensure that these debates are productive and plural, and not merely based on beliefs, religious or of any other kind.BioethicsHandbooks, manuals, etcBioethicsPhilosophyMedical ethicsBioèticaBiotecnologiaDretCiències de la salutBioethicsBioethicsPhilosophy.Medical ethics.174.2Casado María933845López Baroni Manuel JesúsUkMaJRUBOOK9910418036003321Handbook of secular bioethics (I)2102489UNINA