03855 am 2200805 n 450 9910498499003321201912132-7132-3145-010.4000/books.editionsehess.23651(CKB)5600000000016968(FrMaCLE)OB-editionsehess-23651(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/85006(PPN)257806571(EXLCZ)99560000000001696820210915j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLa ville en Asie du Sud Analyse et mise en perspective /Véronique Dupont, Djallal HeuzéParis Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales20191 online resource (427 p.) Purushartha2-7132-2116-1 La ville en Asie du Sud, héritière de cités parmi les plus anciennes de la planète, s ’inscrit dans une région à prédominance rurale pourtant génératrice de mégapoles. Ces très grandes villes à l’avant-garde de l’ouverture économique du sous-continent indien vivent des transformations rapides sous l’effet de la mondialisation. Dans l’univers urbain, le poids de la strate coloniale se révèle beaucoup plus riche en hybrides et en créations originales que ce que la logique de la dépossession et de la domination aurait pu laisser supposer. C’est là l’une des spécificités du cas indien, légataire d’un héritage historique unique sur lequel s’est greffée l’empreinte de la modernité, sans que les repères traditionnels perdent tout leur contenu car ils en sont, parfois, fécondés. Trois grandes thématiques traitent ici de l’évolution de ces phénomènes urbains : structure de la ville et recompositions sociospatiales ; tensions sociales et tensions urbaines ; restructuration des espaces économiques. Ce volume collectif mobilise divers champs disciplinaires des sciences sociales et propose une approche comparatiste visant à mettre en perspective l’expérience urbaine indienne avec des situations et des évolutions observées ailleurs en Asie et dans d’autres continents.Urban StudiesSocial Sciences, InterdisciplinaryvilleviolenceurbanismeÉtatcomparatismecities and townsviolencetown planningStateIndiaSouth-East AsiaUrban StudiesSocial Sciences, InterdisciplinaryvilleviolenceurbanismeÉtatcomparatismeAzaïs Christian972858Boivin Michel871315Coudroy de Lille Laurent1314608Depaule Jean-Charles33399De Maximy René1308763De Ponte Giulia1314609Dupont Véronique1241042Goossaert Vincent1075488Haeringer Philippe1314610Heuzé Djallal G1314611Heuzé Djallal Gérard1314612Hollé Annick1314613Kennedy Loraine1282342Ramanathan Usha1314614Rivière d’Arc Hélène1284444Saglio-Yatzimirsky Marie-Caroline1282003Viguier Anne1304661Dupont Véronique1241042Heuzé Djallal1314615FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910498499003321La ville en Asie du Sud3031877UNINA05908nam 2201561z- 450 991040408840332120231214132847.03-03928-721-4(CKB)4100000011302254(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/52873(EXLCZ)99410000001130225420202102d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMathematical Modeling of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Petroleum Industries and Geothermal ApplicationsMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (470 p.)3-03928-720-6 Geothermal energy is the thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth's core, mantle, and crust. Geothermal technologies are used to generate electricity and to heat and cool buildings. To develop accurate models for heat and mass transfer applications involving fluid flow in geothermal applications or reservoir engineering and petroleum industries, a basic knowledge of the rheological and transport properties of the materials involved (drilling fluid, rock properties, etc.)—especially in high-temperature and high-pressure environments—are needed. This Special Issue considers all aspects of fluid flow and heat transfer in geothermal applications, including the ground heat exchanger, conduction and convection in porous media. The emphasis here is on mathematical and computational aspects of fluid flow in conventional and unconventional reservoirs, geothermal engineering, fluid flow, and heat transfer in drilling engineering and enhanced oil recovery (hydraulic fracturing, CO2 injection, etc.) applications.karst carbonate reservoirfracture compressibilityenhanced gas recoverycost of electricity (COE)microstructurepermeabilityCO2 permeabilityammoniashale oilprocess simulationaquifer supportspatiotemporal characteristicssemi-analytical solutioninjection orientationCO2 diffusionwellbore temperaturefluid front kineticsnest of tubessupercritical CO2multiple parallel fracturesmultifractal theoryreal-scaletechno-economic modelfractalinter-well connectivityapparent permeabilityheat transferporous mediamultiple structural units (MSU)coupled heat conduction and advectiondiffusionbottom-hole pressuretight reservoirventilationsurface diffusionunsteady processunderground coal gasification (UCG)dynamic crack tipmercury intrusion porosimetryenergy conservation analysismethanolcomprehensive heat transfer modelpressure fluctuationsproduction optimizationnumerical simulationpercolation modelrheologydrillingAE energypipeline networknatural gashuff-‘n-puffcementviscositymathematical modelingenhanced geothermal systemscement slurriesyield stressnon-Newtonian fluidscapacitance-resistance modelthixotropyconductivityenhanced oil recoveryleakage and overflowgeothermalcoal and rock fractureimpact pressurecomputational fluid dynamics (CFD)GSHP (ground source heat pump)pore size distributionKnudsen diffusionhydraulic fracturingefficient simulationconstitutive relationselectricity generationfractal theorypore structurecomplex fracture networksloshingcost-effectiveslippage effectdynamic hydraulic-fracturing experimentscritical porosityfracture uncertaintycarbon capture and utilization (CCU)tube bundle modelcontinuity/momentum and energy equations coupledmain gas pipelineCoal excavationlongitudinal dispersion coefficientcomputational fluid dynamic (CFD)flowbackfracture simulationhighly viscous fluidscarbon capture and storage (CCS)energy dissipationeconomicsparticles modelvariable viscositymulti-pressure systemfrequency conversion technology (FCT)three-dimensional numerical simulationtight oil reservoirsmultiphase flowmethane removalNavier-Stokes equationsMassoudi Mehrdadauth1302115BOOK9910404088403321Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Petroleum Industries and Geothermal Applications3026131UNINA