04193nam 2201105z- 450 991040408770332120231214133549.03-03928-585-8(CKB)4100000011302261(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/40378(EXLCZ)99410000001130226120202102d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAdvances in Wood CompositesMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (210 p.)3-03928-584-X Wood composites have shown very good performance, and substantial service lives when correctly specified for the exposure risks present. Selection of an appropriate product for the job should be accompanied by decisions about the appropriate protection, whether this is by design, by preservative treatment or by wood modification techniques. This Special Issue, Advances in Wood Composites presents recent progress in enhancing and refining the performance and properties of wood composites by chemical and thermal modification and the application of smart nanomaterials, which have made them a particular area of interest for researchers. In addition, it reviews some important aspects in the field of wood composites, with particular focus on their materials, applications, and engineering and scientific advances, including solutions inspired biomimetrically by the structure of wood and wood composites. This Special Issue, with a collection of 13 original contributions, provides selected examples of recent Advances in Wood Compositesshear strengthbucklingthermal propertyacetic anhydrideWPCsilicon carbidecoating amountcompositepolymer-triticale boardswoodactivation volumeoriented strand lumber (OSL)bending strengthnanowollastoniteVOCswood-inorganic compositesthermal modificationwood plastic compositecrystallinitysol-gel processwood adhesivestrawmechanical propertiesbambooplasticcarbothermal reductionformaldehyde emissionscellulosegraphene nano-plateletscreep behaviorsurface propertiesdimensional stabilitynanocompoundsUF resintunnel-structuredceramiccolorwater absorptionhigh-density polyethylene filmmechanical propertyaquaculturalHDPEbiorefinery ligninmethyl methacrylatestructural analysissol-gel processpolyurethane-acrylatemechanical and physical propertieswater-based UV curing coatingoak (Quercus alba L.)dynamic thermodynamicstepped isostress methodthermoplastic polymerssustainable adhesivesfinite element analysisrapid formaldehyde releaseadhesive penetrationmodulus of elasticity in bendingSouthwell's methodhydrophobicityAbaqussepiolitechemical structurealder plywoodwood panelsparticleboard propertieschemical modificationthickness swellingPapadopoulos Antonios Nauth1280538BOOK9910404087703321Advances in Wood Composites3039224UNINA04339oam 22006015 450 991079898830332120170704084554.01-4648-0925-910.1596/978-1-4648-0924-8(CKB)3710000000922194(MiAaPQ)EBC4729854(The World Bank)210924(US-djbf)210924(EXLCZ)99371000000092219420020129d2016 uf 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAttracting Investment in Bangladesh-Sectoral Analyses : A Diagnostic Trade Integration Study /Sanjay KathuriaWashington, D.C. :The World Bank,2016.1 online resource (326 pages)Directions in Development;Directions in Development - Trade1-4648-0924-0 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters.This is volume 3 of a three-volume publication on Bangladesh's trade prospects. Bangladesh's ambition is to build on its very solid growth and poverty reduction achievements, and accelerate growth to become a middle income country by 2021, and share prosperity more widely amongst its citizens. This includes one of its greatest development challenges: to provide gainful employment to the over 2 million people that will join the labor force each year over the next decade. Moreover, only 54.1 million of its 94 million working age people are employed. Bangladesh needs to use its labor endowment even more intensively to increase growth and, in turn, to absorb the incoming labor. The Diagnostic Trade Integration Study identifies the following actions centered around four pillars to sustain and accelerate export growth: (1) breaking into new markets through a) better trade logistics to reduce delivery lags ; as world markets become more competitive and newer products demand shorter lead times, to generate new sources of competitiveness and thereby enable market diversification; and b) better exploitation of regional trading opportunities in nearby growing and dynamic markets, especially East and South Asia; (2) breaking into new products through a) more neutral and rational trade policy and taxation and bonded warehouse schemes; b) concerted efforts to spur domestic investment and attract foreign direct investment, to contribute to export promotion and diversification, including by easing the energy and land constraints; and c) strategic development and promotion of services trade; (3) improving worker and consumer welfare by a) improving skills and literacy; b) implementing labor and work safety guidelines; and c) making safety nets more effective in dealing with trade shocks; and (4) building a supportive environment, including a) sustaining sound macroeconomic fundamentals; and b) strengthening the institutional capacity for strategic policy making aimed at the objective of international competitiveness to help bring focus and coherence to the government's reform efforts. This third volume provides in-depth analysis of eight different manufacturing and services sectors of the Bangladeshi economy, which help to illustrate the thematic analysis of volume 2 and ground it in sector experiences. Besides pointing to cross-cutting themes, the analysis also highlights some specific issues and actions that could help relieve constraints to faster export growth in these sectors.World Bank e-Library.CompetitivenessIntegrationInvestmentOpennessTradeTrade FacilitationBangladeshEconomic policyBangladeshEconomic conditions20th centuryCompetitivenessIntegrationInvestmentOpennessTradeTrade Facilitation338.95492Kathuria Sanjay1465152Kathuria SanjayMezghenni Malouche MariemBangladesh,DJBFDJBFBOOK9910798988303321Attracting Investment in Bangladesh-Sectoral Analyses3691473UNINA