06289nam 2201789z- 450 991040407710332120231214133549.03-03928-924-1(CKB)4100000011302367(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/49630(EXLCZ)99410000001130236720202102d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierHuman Milk and LactationMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (368 p.)3-03928-923-3 Human milk is uniquely tailored to meet infants’ specific nutritional requirements. However, it is more than just “milk”. This dynamic and bioactive fluid allows mother–infant signalling over lactation, guiding the infant in the developmental and physiological processes. It exerts protection and life-long biological effects, playing a crucial role in promoting healthy growth and optimal cognitive development. The latest scientific advances have provided insight into different components of human milk and their dynamic changes over time. However, the complexity of human milk composition and the synergistic mechanisms responsible for its beneficial health effects have not yet been unravelled. Filling this knowledge gap will shed light on the biology of the developing infant and will contribute to the optimization of infant feeding, particularly that of the most vulnerable infants. Greater understanding of human milk will also help in elucidating the best strategies for its storage and handling. The increasing knowledge on human milk’s bioactive compounds together with the rapidly-advancing technological achievements will greatly enhance their use as prophylactic or therapeutic agents. The current Special Issue aims to welcome original works and literature reviews further exploring the complexity of human milk composition, the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects associated with breastfeeding, and the factors and determinants involved in lactation, including its promotion and support.high pressure processinglipidssupplementationprotective factorsinfantcarbohydratemothersantioxidant capacityproteinfatcytokinesbioactive factorslate pretermzincinfantsdocosahexaenoic acid (DHA)pregnancyeicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)Lipidomicsmagnesiumomega-3 fatty acidsvitamin D deficiencyflow injection analysishuman milk benefitsmultiple source method3?-sialyllactose (3?SL)milk bankingmilk grouppasteurizationvideo instructionMilk Fat Globule Membranebile salt stimulated lipasebreastfeeding difficultiesbreastfeeding supportprematuritycarotenoidshormonesphosphocholineamino acidstargeted metabolomicshigh-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)cholineselenium?-linolenic acidarachidonic acid (ARA)docosahexaenoic acidhuman milk fortificationprotease inhibitorsceliac diseasecoppertermadipokinesiodinemammary glandnutritional statusfood frequency questionnaireneonateearly breastfeeding cessationprospective studybreastfeedingmothers' own milkdisialyllacto-N-tetraose (DSLNT)countrylactating womenundernourishmentproteasespretermexpressingdietary assessmentretinolbody compositionduration of lactationpassive immunization2?-fucosyllactose (2?FL)phosphorusclinical trialgrowth factorsinfant formuladigestive tracthuman milk oligosaccharides (HMO)sodiumnutritioneicosapentaenoic acidlipid metaboliteslactationnervonic acid?-tocopherolmacronutrientsglycoproteinterm infantterm infantsmaternal dietpromotion of breastfeedingpotassiumantioxidantsmaternal immunoglobulinsHuman Milkhuman milkPhospholipidsflu vaccinelactational stagelactosestoragedietary intakePreterm infantimmune-active proteinscolostrumhuman milk fatinadequate intakemilk therapyendogenous peptidecalciumfatty acidsbreast milkpumpingsecretorLC-MSn-9 fatty acidLewisdonor human milkantenatalonlineirongrowthdonor milkGianni Maria Lorellaauth1323396BOOK9910404077103321Human Milk and Lactation3035494UNINA04884nam 2201069z- 450 991055759700332120231214132837.0(CKB)5400000000043707(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76955(EXLCZ)99540000000004370720202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSocio-Hydrology: The New Paradigm in Resilient Water ManagementBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (204 p.)3-0365-2203-4 3-0365-2204-2 During the third decade of the 21st century, human societies across the world are facing significant water-related problems, such as ecosystem degradation, groundwater depletion, natural and anthropogenic droughts and floods, water-borne health issues, and deforestation. These problems are exacerbated by climate change, a phenomenon that has been accelerated due to human intervention in natural systems since the industrial revolution. There is an urgent need to better understand the interaction of hydrological systems in terms of climate variability and the anthropogenic factors that contribute to the dynamics and resilience of coupled human–water systems and effective risk management in the area of water resource management. Socio-hydrology is an interdisciplinary field that integrates natural and social sciences and aims to study the long-term dynamics of bidirectional feedback in coupled human–water systems. This book on socio-hydrology aims to compile cross-disciplinary scientific endeavors and innovations in research on the development, education, and application of coupled human–water systems. The articles published in this book represent diverse and broad aspects of water management in the context of socio-hydrology systems around the globe. The articles and ideas presented in this book represent a significant source of references for interdisciplinary water science programs and provide an excellent guide for experts involved in the future planning and management of water resources. This book is dedicated to friends of the Green Water-Infrastructure Academy and those who pursue cross-disciplinary water research, education, and management.Socio-HydrologyResearch & information: generalbicsscdigital elevation modelmaximum likelihood estimation (MLE) classificationrunoff qualitysocial, economic and environmental (SEE) factorTriangulated Irregular Network (TIN)urbanizationvegetation densitystormwater managementsocial factorsgreen stormwater infrastructuresocietyrisk analysiswater-related crisesresiliencesecurityfloodsdrinking watercrisis planninglandslideslogistic regressionslope gradientland usesoilCoonoorbehaviortrustrisktap watersaliencecommon pool resourcesintegrated water managementwater governancewater resiliencesocio-hydrologyirrigation efficiencysurface water-groundwater interactionssustainabilityknowledge coproductionintegrated local environmental knowledgeeducation and trainingcommunity-based water developmentBlack Seacoastal tourismregional climate changewarmingwindwavessea level riseupwellingheavy rainriver plumealgal bloomintroduced speciesResearch & information: generalYounos Tamimedt1280542Parece TammyedtLee JuneseokedtGiovannettone JasonedtArmel Alaina JedtYounos TamimothParece TammyothLee JuneseokothGiovannettone JasonothArmel Alaina JothBOOK9910557597003321Socio-Hydrology: The New Paradigm in Resilient Water Management3017190UNINA