02220ngm 2200517Ic 450 991037284910332120241217105702.0(CKB)4100000010143099(FOD)141237(EXLCZ)994100000010143099141237Infobase[141231]sInfobase20240702d2003uuuu -u- vengurcna|||||tdirdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Line /BBC[Place of publication not identified] : BBC, [2003]©20031 online resource (1 video file (49 min., 39 sec)) sound, colorSeven Wonders of the Industrial WorldCall to Unite the Nation (6:37); Immigrant Workers (4:51); Wild West (6:14); Breaking Through Mountains (3:41); Massacre at Plum Creek (3:52); Engineering Troubles (6:15); Train Trestle (3:20); Nearing Completion (7:00); Meeting in Utah (5:00); Credits: The Line (0:48); The Eastern United States was crowded with immigrants, while the West held the tantalizing promise of vast riches and gold—between the two lay a harsh wilderness. A transcontinental railway was needed to avoid dangerous wagon travel that few survived. Two corporate giants were pitched against each other in a race to join the East and West Coasts of the young nation.Seven Wonders of the Industrial World.Industrial revolutionUnited StatesTransportation engineeringCivil engineeringTechnological innovationsHistoryTechnological innovationsEngineeringUnited StatesEmigration and immigrationHistoryInternet videos.lcgftIndustrial revolutionTransportation engineering.Civil engineering.Technological innovationsHistory.Technological innovations.Engineering.BBC (Firm)AzPhAEMVIDEO9910372849103321The Line4177749UNINA