06266nam 2201609z- 450 991037278580332120231214133542.03-03921-869-7(CKB)4100000010163768(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/53426(EXLCZ)99410000001016376820202102d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMicrogridsMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (108 p.)3-03921-868-9 Electrical power systems are evolving at the generation, transmission, and distribution levels. At distribution level, small generating and storage units—the so-called distributed energy sources (DERs)—are being installed close to consumption sites. The expansion of DERs is empowering renewable energy source integration and, as a consequence, new actors are appearing in electrical systems. Among them, the prosumer is a game-changer; the fruit of the behavior transformation of the consumer who has not only the ability to consume power but also to produce it. Microgrids can be understood as DER installations that have the capability of both grid-connected and grid-isolated operation. During the last decades, there has been a significant deployment of microgrids (e.g., in countries like the United States, Switzerland, and Denmark) and a consequent increase in renewable energy generation. This is contributing to the decarbonization of electrical power systems. However, the variability and intermittency of renewable sources introduce uncertainty, which implies a more complex operation and control. Taking into account that existing and future planned microgrids are being/going to be interconnected to the current electrical network, challenges in terms of design, operation, and control at power system level need to be addressed, considering existing regulations.energy management systembuck-boost convertergeneric object oriented substation event (GOOSE) communicationstochastic optimizationoptimal dispatchdecision treecoordinated controloptimizationcongestion problemsdistributed optimizationIEC 61850 Standarddistributed energy resources (DERs)technical and economic optimizationreliability evaluationpower quality disturbancesrenewableDC microgridHESSruleless EVextension theorynetwork planningintegrated electrical and thermal gridsreliabilityphotovoltaic feasibilityflexibilitymicrogrid test facilitymicrogridmultiresolutionsmall-scale standalone microgridIEC 61850direct search method (DSM)maximum electrical efficiencyload frequency control (LFC)droop controlflexible generationgrid independencefrequency controlparticle swarm optimizationbattery storagemicrogrid stability controller (MSC)doubly fed induction machinecoordinative optimization of energypower distributionhierarchical control schemegroundingoperationelectric energy marketnonlinear programmingcost and lifetotal sliding-mode controldistributed energy resourcevehicle information systempeak-cutsmoothing wind powergenetic algorithmmedium-voltage networksvehicle-to-griddevices schedulingmicrogridsenergy storageelectric vehicleenergy efficiencyactive filterembedded systemmultivariable generalized predictive control (MGPC)load power sharingflywheel energy storage (FES)renewable sourcestelecommunication power managementmicro-gridsmart inverterdistributed generationstorage systemselectric vehicle (EV)microgrid (MG)mesh configurationresidential usersrenewable energy sourceradial configurationS-transformoptimal power flowsolid oxide fuel cellvehicle-to-grid (V2G)communication delaycurrent harmonic reductionsmart gridsinrush currentflexible and configurable architectureoptimal capacityESS effective ratesmart gridmulti-agentdistributed energy resourcesregular EVpeak-shiftdatacenterdeterministic optimizationplug and playchaos synchronization detectionresidential power systemspower qualitycombined power generation systemDC distributionisolated gridcoordinated control strategyDC architecturespredictive controldemand-side managementdistributed generation (DG)curtailmentGuerrero Josep Mauth1275734BOOK9910372785803321Microgrids3025918UNINA