03107 am 2200721 n 450 9910518205303321202011232-84867-795-310.4000/books.pufc.20667(CKB)4100000012394577(FrMaCLE)OB-pufc-20667(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/86215(PPN)260399507(EXLCZ)99410000001239457720220117j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierUne imagination républicaine, François-Vincent Raspail (1794-1878) /Jonathan Barbier, Ludovic FrobertBesançon Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté20201 online resource (262 p.) Les Cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux2-84867-598-5 Longtemps décrite comme de la simple vulgarisation, l’œuvre de François-Vincent Raspail (1794-1878) mérite aujourd’hui un nouvel examen. Il doit être conduit en portant attention à la multiplicité des expressions de cette oeuvre – chimie, économie, médecine, agronomie, météorologie, pensée politique et sociale – ; et en tentant d’en signaler la portée créative ainsi que sa volonté d’en diffuser les lumières au plus grand nombre afin de lui permettre de participer aux progrès en cours. Il s’agit aussi de mettre en exergue le développement de cette réflexion avec une inscription souvent décisive de Raspail dans les événements de son temps, de la révolution de 1830 jusqu’à la Troisième République.Une imagination républicaine, François-Vincent Raspail Une imagination républicaine, François-Vincent Raspail History & Philosophy Of ScienceXIXe siècleFrancerépubliqueRaspailscience populaireXIXe siècleFrancerépubliqueRaspailscience populaireHistory & Philosophy Of ScienceXIXe siècleFrancerépubliqueRaspailscience populaireBarbier Jonathan1305748Bensaude Vincent Bernadette1305749Bertomeu Sánchez José Ramón1305750Dodds Dawn1305751Frobert Ludovic951309Guillemain Hervé1241609Hayat Samuel1305752Jarrige François1275581Le Roux Thomas1305753Portalez Christophe1280377Sueur Nicolas1305754Barbier Jonathan1305748Frobert Ludovic951309FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910518205303321Une imagination républicaine, François-Vincent Raspail (1794-1878)3027935UNINA04395nam 2200637I 450 991037275400332120241107094530.097803678972460367897245978131713354413171335449781317133537131713353697813155829311315582937https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315582931(CKB)4100000005389261(MiAaPQ)EBC5472980(OCoLC)1046085247(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/37660(MiAaPQ)EBC7245128(Au-PeEL)EBL7245128(ODN)ODN0004203367(ScCtBLL)5efced1c-129a-430d-9997-7de9b72f9fa6(EXLCZ)99410000000538926120180813d2018 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierFraming social interaction continuities and cracks in Goffman’s frame analysis /by Anders PerssonFirst edition.Taylor & Francis2018Boca Raton, FL :Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis,2018.1 online resource (199 pages)9781472482587 1472482581 Includes bibliographical references and index.part, PART I Goffman and the interaction order -- chapter 1 Introduction -- chapter 2 Goffman style: outsider on the inside -- chapter 3 The interaction order is in the balance: the dynamic relation between ritualisation, vulnerability, and working consensus -- part, PART II Frame and framing -- chapter 4 Frame Analysis and frame analysis -- chapter 5 The development of Goffman’s interactional and situational frame concept -- chapter 6 Continuities and cracks in Goffman’s frame analysis -- part, PART III Framing social media, online chess, and power -- chapter 7 A new interaction order? – framing interaction in social media -- chapter 8 Frame disputes in online chess and chat interaction -- chapter 9 Interactional power – influencing others by framing social interaction -- part, PART IV Conclusions -- chapter 10 Concluding remarks.This book is about Erving Goffman’s frame analysis as it, on the one hand, was presented in his 1974 book Frame Analysis and, on the other, was actually conducted in a number of preceding substantial analyses of different aspects of social interaction such as face-work, impression management, fun in games, behavior in public places and stigmatization. There was, in other words, a frame analytic continuity in Goffman’s work. In an article published after his death in 1982, Goffman also maintained that he throughout his career had been studying the same object: the interaction order. In this book, the author states that Goffman also applied an overarching perspective on social interaction: the dynamic relation between ritualization, vulnerability and working consensus. However, there were also cracks in Goffman´s work and one is shown here with reference to the leading question in Frame Analysis – what is it that’s going on here? While framed on a "microsocial" level, that question ties in with "the interaction order" and frame analysis as a method. If, however, it is framed on a societal level, it mirrors metareflective and metasocial manifestations of changes and unrest in the interaction order that, in some ways, herald the emphasis on contingency, uncertainty and risk in later sociology. Through analyses of social media as a possible new interaction order – where frame disputes are frequent – and of interactional power, the applicability of Goffman’s frame analysis is illustrated. As such, this book will appeal to scholars and students of social theory, classical sociology and social interaction.Social psychologySocial interactionExperienceSocial psychology.Social interaction.Experience.302SOC026000bisacshPersson Anders1956-998067FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910372754003321Framing social interaction2289328UNINA