03458 am 22006253u 450 991037274630332120231110215628.03-11-061680-73-11-061700-510.1515/9783110617009(CKB)4100000010137420(OAPEN)1006915(DE-B1597)499461(OCoLC)1135563520(DE-B1597)9783110616804(MiAaPQ)EBC6209876(Au-PeEL)EBL6209876(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/43825(EXLCZ)99410000001013742020200406h20192020 fg enguuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierConfucius and Cicero Old Ideas for a New World, New Ideas for an Old World /Andrea Balbo, Jaewon AhnDe Gruyter2020Berlin ;Boston : De Gruyter, [2019]©20201 online resource (216) Roma Sinica ;13-11-061660-2 Frontmatter -- Table of Contents -- Roma Sinica and Confucius and Cicero: extending the boundaries and constructing relationships -- Comparing Confucius and Cicero: Problems and Possibilities -- The Private and the Public in the Republic and in the Analects -- Confucian and Daoist, Stoic and Epicurean. Some Parallels in Ways of Living -- Mind, Heaven, and Ritual in the Xunzi -- The Latin translations of Confucius' Dialogues (Lun Yu). A comparison of key concepts -- Is Confucius a Sinicus Cicero? -- Humanitas: Universalism, equivocation, and basic criterion -- Becoming human(e): Confucius' Way to仁 and the Imitation of Christ in Yi Byeok's Essence of Sacred Doctrine (聖敎要旨; Seonggyo yoji) -- Pietas in pro Sexto Roscio of Cicero and Confucian 孝(xiao) -- "Be modest and avoid wastefulness": table manners and beyond from Confucius to Xi Jinping -- Cicero and Confucius: Similitude in Disguise -- General bibliography -- Index of names, main concepts and texts -- Editors and ContributorsThis book explores the relationships between ancient Roman and Confucian thought, paying particular attention to their relevance for the contemporary world. More than 10 scholars from all around the world offer thereby a reference work for the comparative research between Roman (and early Greek) and Eastern thought, setting new trends in the panorama of Classical and Comparative Studies. Roma Sinica Literary studies: classical, early & medievalbicsscWestern philosophy: Ancient, to c 500bicsscEuropeCivilizationConfucian influencesKoreaCivilizationForeign influencesCicero.Confucius.Eastern Philosophy.Roman Philosophy.Literary studies: classical, early & medievalWestern philosophy: Ancient, to c 500181.112Ahn Jaewonauth1369745Ahn Jaewon, edthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtBalbo Andrea, edthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtDE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910372746303321Confucius and Cicero3396538UNINA