00970cam0-2200277 --450 991037265910332120200220111212.0978-88-243-2152-520200220d2012----kmuy0itay5050 baitaITy 001yy<<La >>tutela della libertà individuale nel nuovo sistema anti-stalkingPaola CocoNapoliJovene2012310 p.24 cmPubblicazioni del Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche, Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza66Atti persecutoriItaliaDiritto penaleLibertà personaleTutelaItaliaDiritto penaleCoco,Paola229926ITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910372659103321Università 565 (66)2019/1318FGBCFGBCTutela della libertà individuale nel nuovo sistema anti-stalking1732777UNINA03596nam 2200541 n 450 99638443630331620200824121201.0(CKB)4940000000070974(EEBO)2248554798(UnM)99863493_159991e(UnM)99863493_159991(EXLCZ)99494000000007097419930505d1658 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|Two books of Mr Sydrach Simpson, late master of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridg; and preacher of the Gospel in London. Viz. I. Of unbelief; or the want of readiness to lay hold on the comfort given by Christ. II. Not going to Christ for life and salvation is an exceeding great sin, yet it is pardonable[electronic resource]In the first book is shewed (besides many other things) 1 What unbelief it is that is here spoken of ... 7 Helps to attain readiness in beleeving. In the second book is shewed, 1 That unbelief is a great sin, and exceeding provoking unto God ... 7 God hath pardoned unbelief, and wil pardon itLondon printed by Peter Cole, printer and book-seller, at the sign of the Printing-press, in Corn-hill, neer the Royall Exchange1658[28], 126, [2], 129, [5]; [14], 281, [7] pEditors' note "To the reader" signed: Philip Nye, John Loder.Signatures: pi² B-D⁴ ² C-S⁴ ³D-V⁴ (-V4); chi⁴ []⁴ (-[]4) c-2p⁴.With a vertical half-title: Mr Simpson on unbelief."Not going to Christ for life & salvation, is an exceeding great sin" begins new pagination on ³D1r."Two books of Mr Sydrach Simpson, .. Viz. I Of faith, .. II. Of covetousness. .." has separate dated title page and pagination beginning on c1r.Variant: the contents of leaves ¹C3,4 appear on two leaves signed b1,2. The structure at this point is not known.Annotation on Thomason copy: "Decem: 14th".Identified on UMI microfilm (Early English books) as Wing S3828.Reproductions of the originals in Magdalen College, Oxford University (Early English books) and in the British Library (Thomason Tracts).eebo-0216Mr Simpson on unbeliefOf unbelief: or, The want of rediness to lay hold on the comfort given by ChristWant of readiness to lay hold on the comfort given by ChristNot going to Christ for life & salvation, is an exceeding great sinTwo books of Mr Sydrach Simpson ... Viz. I Of faith, or, That beleeving [sic] is receiving Christ ... II. Of covetousnessTreatise of faithFaith, or Believing is receiving Christ and receiving Christ, is believingShort and excellent treatise of covetousnessFaithEarly works to 1800AvariceReligious aspectsChristianityEarly works to 1800FaithAvariceReligious aspectsChristianitySimpson Sidrach1600?-1655.1004952Nye Philip1596?-1672.1001460Loder John1625 or 6-1673.1005527Cu-RivESBOOK996384436303316Two books of Mr Sydrach Simpson, late master of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridg; and preacher of the Gospel in London. Viz. I. Of unbelief; or the want of readiness to lay hold on the comfort given by Christ. II. Not going to Christ for life and salvation is an exceeding great sin, yet it is pardonable2312046UNISA