04306nam 2201045z- 450 991036774490332120231214133424.03-03921-719-4(CKB)4100000010106268(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/58758(EXLCZ)99410000001010626820202102d2019 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSacramental Theology: Theory and Practice from Multiple Perspectives: Theory and Practice from Multiple PerspectivesMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20191 electronic resource (154 p.)3-03921-718-6 Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, sacramental theology has evolved as a discipline advancing comprehensive theories of sacraments and sacramentality as integral to the Christian faith while also studying the history and theology of the particular rites. Now, in the twenty-first century, the need for attention to the actual performance and specific social settings of sacramental worship has become well established. This makes the work of sacramental theology necessarily engaged with multiple, cross-disciplinary theories attentive to particular contexts, whether local, national, or global. Still, the divine human encounter at the heart of Christian symbol and ritual likewise beckons to philosophical–theological reflection. The essays in this volume begin with profound philosophical perspectives on the personal and communal sacramental experience, expanding from traditional cosmology to evolutionary and chaos theories of our planetary existence, continuing with shifts, especially among youth, to interreligious and non-institutional perspectives, consideration of change in popular notions of guilt, and social–ethical issues in relation to liturgical theology and practice, so as finally to return to fundamental theological reflection on human sacramentality and divine revelation.Sacramental TheologyliturgyHoly SpiritsymbolAntoine Vergotelaityrevelationtheological ethicssacramentsacramental universeE.O. Wilsonpansacramentalismecological gracecolonialityJean-Yves Lacosteliturgical theologyontologyclimate changecritical realismSecond Vatican Councilbaptismsacrament of penancespiritualitydisaffiliationhermeneuticshistory of Catholicism in the United Statesmystagogypost-colonial theoryekstasisEmmanuel FalquedronesJean-Luc MarionsacramentalityEucharistpsychoanalysisphenomenologylived religionecologyfrequent communionRoman Catholic Churchcommunal ontologymoral theologypandemonium tremendumcreationchaos theoryagencyinterreligious studiessocial structuresJohn ZizioulastheologydecolonialitySynod on the YouthvocationinterreligiousconfessionPneumatologyritual theoryEpic of Evolutionsocial theoryapophaticismMargaret ArcherCatholic guiltsacramental theologyMorrill Bruceauth1217042BOOK9910367744903321Sacramental Theology: Theory and Practice from Multiple Perspectives: Theory and Practice from Multiple Perspectives3036441UNINA