03498nam 2200589 a 450 991045466440332120200520144314.01-84964-120-X0-585-43372-0(CKB)111056486519472(SSID)ssj0000099859(PQKBManifestationID)11566148(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000099859(PQKBWorkID)10016787(PQKB)10991693(MiAaPQ)EBC3386459(Au-PeEL)EBL3386459(CaPaEBR)ebr10480062(CaONFJC)MIL987818(OCoLC)51052510(EXLCZ)9911105648651947220010413d2001 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrAfrican pastoralism[electronic resource] conflict, institutions and government /edited by M.A. Mohamed Salih, Ton Dietz and Abdel Ghaffar Mohamed AhmedLondon ;Sterling, Va. Pluto Press in association with OSSREA2001vii, 311 p"This volume is the outcome of an International Conference on 'Resource Competition and Sustainable Development in Eastern and Southern Africa' organised by the Organisation of Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) and the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in October 1999."0-7453-1787-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Towards security, stability and sustainability : oriented strategies of development in eastern africa / J. B. Opschoor -- Sustainable development and resource conflicts in Botswana / M.B.K. Darkoh and J.E. Mbaiwa -- Participation and governance in the development of Borana : Southern Ethiopia / Johan Helland -- Conflict management, resolution and institutions among the Karrayu and their neighbours / Ayelew Gebre -- Ranchers and pastoralists : the restructuring of government ranching, Uganda / Frank Emmanuel Muhereza -- Resource competition and conflict : herder/farmer or pastoralism/agriculture? / Mustafa Babiker -- Resource conflicts among the Afar of North-East Ethiopia / Ketachew Kassa -- Livelihood and resource competition, Sudan / Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed -- Pastoral commercialisation : on caloric terms of trade and related issues / Ton Dietz, Abdirizak Arale Nunow, Adano Ware Roba and Fred Zaal -- Immediate problems : a view from a distance / P.T.W. Baxter -- Changing gender roles and pastoral adaptations to market opportunity in Omdurman, Sudan / Samia El Hadi El Nagar -- Research-led policy deliberation in Eritrea and Somalia : searching to overcome institutional gaps / Martin Doornbos.Sustainable developmentAfricaCase studiesPastoral systemsAfricaCase studiesAfricaEconomic policyCase studiesElectronic books.Sustainable developmentPastoral systems333.74/096Salih Mohamed Abdel Rahim M(Mohamed Abdel Rahim Mohamed)253771Dietz Ton274122Ahmad Abdel Ghaffar Muhammad880124International Conference on 'Resource Competition and Sustainable Development in Eastern and Southern Africa'(1999 :Netherlands?)MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910454664403321African pastoralism1965214UNINA05929nam 2201621z- 450 991036774360332120231214133223.03-03921-591-4(CKB)4100000010106281(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/59473(EXLCZ)99410000001010628120202102d2019 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSmart and Functional PolymersMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20191 electronic resource (306 p.)3-03921-590-6 This book is based on the Special Issue of the journal Molecules on “Smart and Functional Polymers”. The collected research and review articles focus on the synthesis and characterization of advanced functional polymers, polymers with specific structures and performances, current improvements in advanced polymer-based materials for various applications, and the opportunities and challenges in the future. The topics cover the emerging synthesis and characterization technology of smart polymers, core?shell structure polymers, stimuli-responsive polymers, anhydrous electrorheological materials fabricated from conducting polymers, reversible polymerization systems, and biomedical polymers for drug delivery and disease theranostics. In summary, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest synthesis approaches, representative structures and performances, and various applications of smart and functional polymers. It will serve as a useful reference for all researchers and readers interested in polymer sciences and technologies.polymerization or post-polymerization modification methodschitosandiabetes therapyelectronicsmolecular sieveantitumorchemical activationshape memory polymerschemotherapypoly(methacrylamide)samphiphilic copolymerVitamin Econtrolled polymerizationcompositefluoropolymerspolymers for fabricationsynergistic effectglucose sensitivityself-healing polymersemulsion polymerizationelectrorheologicalhydrogelspolymers for water or effluent treatmentcore–shell structurehearing losspolymers for information storagepolymers for sensingsmart fluidsaffronCO2gelphase changeperfluoroaryl azideschemical resistancegentamicinamphiphilicitycontrolled drug deliverypaclitaxelnucleic acid deliveryreversible polymerizationpolyether imidazole ionic liquidnanomedicinepolymers for industrial catalysispolyvinyl alcoholtumor imagingendophytic exopolysaccharideparticle processingand tissue engineeringcochlear hair celldrug deliverymelt-shear organizationseparationpolyanilinecastor oilpolycaprolactone-diolpH responsive polymersfine-tuningheterogeneous catalysissustainable polymersadministration routesco-delivery systemshydrolyzable polyureadegradabilityand purificationimagingpost-polymerization functionalizationcore/shell particlespolymer-based supramolecular chemistrypolyamino acidscatalystcancer chemotherapybiomedical devicesantidiabeticfunctional polymers used in food scienceviscoelasticmulti-drug resistancestimuli-sensitive polymerspolymeric nanoparticlesdiverse therapeutic areasglutaraldehyderenewable polymer materials used for agriculturesolvent responsivenessphenylboronic acidGlycopolymerpolymerization dispersion methodfunctional polymers for diagnosisconducting polymerstimuli-responsive polymersversatile platformphase transitionpH responsivecore-shell nanoparticlesclinical translationrare earth upconversion nanoparticleshydrophobic drug deliverybreast cancertargeted drug deliverypolyurethanes?-NaYF4and antimicrobial activity)micellehydrophobicitypolymer-based medical devicesStaudinger reactionpolymers with biological activity (e.g.albumindrug releaseand energy conversionapplicationsLi Mingqiangauth1323391Ding JianxunauthLi YangauthBOOK9910367743603321Smart and Functional Polymers3035488UNINA