04582nam 2201045z- 450 991055740740332120231214133542.0(CKB)5400000000043602(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68451(EXLCZ)99540000000004360220202105d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierWater Systems towards New Future ChallengesBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (240 p.)3-0365-0410-9 3-0365-0411-7 This book comprises components associated with smart water which aims at the exploitation and building of more sustainable and technological water networks towards the water–energy nexus and system efficiency. The implementation of modeling frameworks for measuring the performance based on a set of relevant indicators and data applications and model interfaces provides better support for decisions towards greater sustainability and more flexible and safer solutions. The hydraulic, management, and structural models represent the most effective and viable way to predict the behavior of the water networks under a wide range of conditions of demand and system failures. The knowledge of reliable parameters is crucial to develop approach models and, therefore, positive decisions in real time to be implemented in smart water systems. On the other hand, the models of operation in real-time optimization allow us to extend decisions to smart water systems in order to improve the efficiency of the water network and ensure more reliable and flexible operations, maximizing cost, environmental, and social savings associated with losses or failures. The data obtained in real time instantly update the network model towards digital water models, showing the characteristic parameters of pumps, valves, pressures, and flows, as well as hours of operation towards the lowest operating costs, in order to meet the requirement objectives for an efficient system.History of engineering & technologybicsscseismic reliabilitywater distribution systemoptimal layoutAnytown networkwater network expansionwater network capacityintermittent water supplytheoretical maximum flowsystem setting curvedemand estimationKalman filternode groupinggenetic algorithmsmart waterwater-energy nexusenergy efficiencysustainable water managementenergy recoveringdesign criteriastructure analysissuspended pipelinesfinite element method (FEM)SWMM Toolkitsewer systemdesignoptimizationmicro-hydropowerwater supply networksenergy potentialtubular propeller turbineenergy recoveryurban floodingcentralized reservoirdecentralized reservoircooperative operationmost stringent water resources managementinitial provincial water rightsdynamic projection pursuitenergy savingPump As Turbine (PAT)PAT and pump system (P&P)pumpingwater hammerair vessel sizingenergy storagedynamic behaviorCAESirrigation water networksrenewable energysustainability and efficiencyhydropower solutionswater managementair-waterair pocketair valvehydraulic modelpipelineemptyingwater supplyHistory of engineering & technologyRamos Helena Medt1295536Ramos Helena MothBOOK9910557407403321Water Systems towards New Future Challenges3023591UNINA04333nam 2201069z- 450 991036774290332120231214133204.03-03921-699-6(CKB)4100000010106288(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/58337(EXLCZ)99410000001010628820202102d2019 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierResponsive ArchitectureMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20191 electronic resource (204 p.)3-03921-698-8 This book is a collection of articles that have been published in the Special Issue “Responsive Architecture” of the MDPI journal Buildings. The eleven articles within cover various areas of sensitive architecture, including the design of packaging structures reacting to supporting components; structural efficiency of bent columns in indigenous houses; roof forms responsive to buildings depending on their resiliently transformed steel shell parts; creative design of building free shapes covered with transformed shells; artistic structural concepts of the architect and civil engineer; digitally designed airport terminal using wind analysis; rationalized shaping of sensitive curvilinear steel construction; interactive stories of responsive architecture; transformed shell roof constructions as the main determinant in the creative shaping of buildings without shapes that are sensitive to man-made and natural environments; thermally sensitive performances of a special shielding envelope on balconies; quantification of generality and adaptability of building layout using the SAGA method; and influence of initial conditions on the simulation of the transient temperature field inside a wall.spanish balconyform-findingagent-based theorystrengthcarrier component structuresdigital toolsshape transformationKaramba 3Dfree-form buildingfolded sheetperformance-oriented designspatial analysismoveable facade componentsspace planbuilding free-form structuresituatednessheat flowinteractive architecturesteel constructionthermal conditionsresponsive architecturekinetic envelopearchitectural formthermal performancesGrasshopperalgorithmic-aided shapingadaptive envelopeinitial conditionsadaptabilityparametric designdigital fabricationshadowsthin-walled open profilesteel bar structuresnetwork analysisoutdoor test cellsinteraction narrativeCFDsensor interactionwind analysisvernacular housescorrugated shell roofbent pilesbuilding free form structureboundary conditions for simulationthin-walled profilestructural systemsAmmatoan housesflexibilitystructural analysisnumerical analysisexperimental measurementadaptive designintegrated architectural formevaluation tooleffectivitybuilding structureparametric architectureuser experiencejustified plan graphsgeneralitySpace Syntaxarchitectural morphologysimulation and computational design studiesKatunský Dušanauth1297552Huang JeffreyauthBOOK9910367742903321Responsive Architecture3024536UNINA