05630nam 2201417z- 450 991036774270332120231214133159.03-03921-380-6(CKB)4100000010106290(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/46384(EXLCZ)99410000001010629020202102d2019 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEnergy Performance and Indoor Climate Analysis in BuildingsMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20191 electronic resource (374 p.)3-03921-379-2 HVAC systems, load shifting, indoor climate, and energy and ventilation performance analyses are the key topics when improving energy performance in new and renovated buildings. This development has been boosted by the recently established nearly zero energy building requirements that will soon be in use in all EU Member States, as well as similar long-term zero energy building targets in Japan, the US, and other countries. The research covered in this Special Issue provides evidence of how new technical solutions have worked, in practice, in new or renovated buildings, and also discusses problems and how solutions should be further developed. Another focus is on the more detailed calculation methods needed for the correct design and sizing of dedicated systems, and for accurate quantification of energy savings. Occupant behavior and building operation is also examined, in order to avoid common performance gaps between calculated and measured performance. These topics demonstrate the challenge of high performance buildings as, in the end, comfortable buildings with good indoor climate which are easy and cheap to operate and maintain are expected by end customers. Ventilation performance, heating and cooling, sizing, energy predictions and optimization, load shifting, and field studies are some of the key topics in this Special Issue, contributing to the future of high performance buildings with reliable operation.indoor air qualitystratificationchiller plantsalternate operationdisplacement ventilationdraught ratebuildingindoor temperature after renovationDHW heatingdaylight factorenergyenergy performance modelinghybrid displacement devicebuilding energy modellingenergy performance of buildings directivecondenser evaporative precoolingDHW energy useheating modeground source heat pumppersonalized ventilationdaylightexisting buildingsoptimal energy managementcoolingmixing ventilationdaylight surveyuser behaviorlocal air change effectivenessbasketball hallCFDsizingelectricity usecontrol strategyHVAC systemsventilationoccupant behaviorsmart readiness indicatorenergy signaturestandard usebuilding energy simulationoutdoor airmonitoring measurementsCOPqualitative controlwind pressuredecentralized ventilation unitfield measurementthermal comfortstudent dormitoriesdata-driven analysisenergy performancedaylight simulationsair jetISO 52016-1multiple sensor nodesdowndraughtenergy efficiencybuilding pressure conditionmeteorological reanalysis dataISO 7730thermal analysisMonte Carlo methodcorner impinging jetgreenhousePro-GET-onE H2020in situ measurementssmart buildingsskin temperatureretirement homedemand side managementindoor climateuser input dataIndoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)ventilation renovationtracer gasgray boxJaya algorithmsingle room ventilation unitsatellite-based solar radiation datachiller performancerooftop air conditionerssmart gridTRNSYSstack effectspace heatingenergy flexibilitycorner mixing ventilationload shiftingheating powerair exchange effectivenessindoor temperature uniformitydemand responseThalfeldt Martinauth1297551Ferrantelli AndreaauthKurnitski JarekauthBOOK9910367742703321Energy Performance and Indoor Climate Analysis in Buildings3024535UNINA