04408nam 2200997z- 450 991036756530332120231214132852.03-03921-318-0(CKB)4100000010106093(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/49277(EXLCZ)99410000001010609320202102d2019 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierHigh Precision X-Ray MeasurementsMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20191 electronic resource (144 p.)3-03921-317-2 Since their discovery in 1895, the detection of X-rays has had a strong impact on and various applications in several fields of science and human life. Impressive efforts have been made to develop new types of detectors and new techniques, aiming to obtain higher precision both in terms of energy and position. Depending on the applications, solid state detectors, microcalorimeters, and various types of spectrometers currently serve as the best options for spectroscopic and imaging detectors. Recent advancements in micron and meV precision have opened the door for groundbreaking applications in fundamental physics, medical science, astrophysics, cultural heritage, and several other fields. The aim of this Special Issue is to compile an overview, from different communities and research fields, of the most recent developments in X-ray detection and their possible impacts in various sectors, such as in exotic atom measurements, quantum physics studies, XRF, XES, EXAFS, plasma emission spectroscopy, monochromators, synchrotron radiation, telescopes, and space engineering. All the papers included in this Special Issue contribute to emphasizing the importance of X-ray detection in a very broad range of physics topics; most of these topics are covered by the published works, and several others are mentioned in the paper references, providing an interesting and very useful synopsis, from a variety of different communities and research fields, of the most recent developments in X-ray detection and their impact in fundamental research and societal applications.Compton cameraand detectorsX-ray detectorscoherent imagingX-ray and ?-ray spectrometersmagnetic multilayersX-ray diffractionX-ray spectroscopyXASscintillation detectorX-ray absorptionXRFHAPGsoft X-raysgratingsvon Hamosradiation detectorsamylinsynchrotron radiationhigh energy resolution fluorescence detectionoptical materialsHOPGmolybdenumPyrolytic Graphitemosaic spreadmirrorsquantum foundationsstrong interactionMössbauer spectroscopymultidisciplinarityCompton scatteringPauli exclusion principlefree electron lasersX- and ?-ray instrumentssilicon photomultiplierkaonic atomsstanding wavesX- and ?-ray sourcesgraphite crystalsmosaicityX-ray source facilitiesrocking curveoptical instruments and equipmentphotodetectorsTM oxidesX-ray reflectivitybeamlinesX-rayXAFSsolid-state detectorsunderground experimentmaterial investigationmaterial sciencethin filmsX-ray Ramanmedical applicationsTHz radiationX-ray absorption spectroscopypositron emission tomographyScordo Alessandroauth1281250BOOK9910367565303321High Precision X-Ray Measurements3018423UNINA