01974 am 22004693- 450 991036504690332120231214145414.010.24894/978-3-7965-3747-9(CKB)4100000010014485(OAPEN)1006560(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/34235(EXLCZ)99410000001001448520200127||| xx uy 0geruuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDrucke in der «Neuen Rundschau»BaselSchwabe Verlag20191 online resource (245)Robert Walser - Kritische Ausgabe sämtlicher Drucke und Manuskripte3-7965-3747-2 In this volume, Robert Walser’s contributions printed in the journal “Neue Rundschau” are edited. Each of Walser’s texts is accompanied by a context documentation, which gives an insight into the contents of the whole journal issue. In the editors’ afterword, Walser’s relations with the journal and with the publisher S. Fischer are described. A documentary appendix with letters and further material illustrates the relations between Walser and the editors.Literary essaysbicsscLiterary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writersbicsscRobert WalserEssaysEditionLiterary essaysLiterary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writersWalser Robertaut176328Heerde Hans-Joachimedtvon Reibnitz BarbaraedtSocha CarolineedtHeerde Hans-Joachimothvon Reibnitz BarbaraothSocha CarolineothBOOK9910365046903321Drucke in der «Neuen Rundschau»2152944UNINA