01641 am 22003853u 450 9910365046203321201912203-205-23278-X(CKB)4100000010014492(OAPEN)1006648(ScCtBLL)9bce2f14-7875-4d49-89c4-dd277408bc78(EXLCZ)99410000001001449220191220d|||| uy geruuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDer Briefwechsel zwischen August Sauer und Bernhard Seuffert 1880 bis 19261 ed.Böhlau2019121 online resource (842 Seiten) 3-205-23279-8 With more than 1200 letters the correspondence between August Sauer (1855–1926) and Bernhard Seuffert (1853–1938) is one of the most comprehensive scholarly correspondences of the late 19th and the early 20th century. Their work had a huge impact on the development of the subject ”Neuere deutsche Literaturgeschichte“. The main goal of the project is the presentation of a selection of letters, combined with rich annotations as well as registers for persons and works.Literary Collections / LettersbisacshAnthologieslcgftLiterary Collections / LettersFetz Bernhardaut623748Müller Hans-HaraldautScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910365046203321Der Briefwechsel zwischen August Sauer und Bernhard Seuffert 1880 bis 19262293882UNINA