03925 am 2200853 n 450 9910353340303321201909182-271-13023-910.4000/books.editionscnrs.29652(CKB)4100000009913999(FrMaCLE)OB-editionscnrs-29652(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/49618(PPN)241656761(EXLCZ)99410000000991399920191128j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierL'humain et ses prothèses Savoirs et pratiques du corps transformé /Cristina LindenmeyerParis CNRS Éditions20191 online resource (284 p.) 2-271-11416-0 Réparé, régénéré, augmenté, notre corps intègre chaque jour des prothèses nouvelles, toujours plus performantes. La symbiose humain-technologie s’accélère dans une vie quotidienne où la technique s’immisce partout et à chaque instant. Cette technologisation généralisée s’accompagne d’une volonté affichée de transformer l’homme, une dynamique puissante, surtout connue à travers le mouvement transhumaniste. À travers la problématique du corps réparé et/ou augmenté par une prothèse, cet ouvrage interroge ce phénomène contemporain en examinant tant les présupposés idéologiques, les savoirs que les pratiques actuels. La psychanalyse, comme clinique et théorie du sujet inconscient ainsi que de ses incidences sur le collectif, sert ici de « boussole » pour appréhender la dialectique concrète entre le corps pulsionnel et ses modes de subjectivation d’une part, le corps organique « réparé/ augmenté » d’autre part. Dans une confrontation active et ouverte, les chercheurs de disciplines diverses prennent en compte chacune des dimensions impliquées dans ce phénomène clé de la condition contemporaine. L’apport des discours et des pratiques permettra au lecteur de former un jugement sur ce phénomène complexe qui noue innovation et aliénation, scientificité et illusion.Sociology & AnthropologypsychanalyseanthropologietechnologiemédecinecorpsethnologietranshumanismetechnologieanthropologiemédecineethnologietranshumanismecorpspsychanalyseSociology & AnthropologypsychanalyseanthropologietechnologiemédecinecorpsethnologietranshumanismeAncet Pierre764595Andrieu Bernard1292745Assoun Paul-Laurent52482Besnier Jean-Michel252143Boch Anne-Laure1317492Brennetot Naïma1317493Clerici Christine1317494Goffi Jean-Yves500945Gourinat Valentine1317495Groud Paul-Fabien1317496Jarrassé Nathanaël1317497Korff-Sausse Simone997366Labbée Xavier1317498Lepastier Samuel1317499Lindenmeyer Cristina1297877Queval Isabelle1317500Sandberg Anders1317501Savvaki Véra1317502Schauder Silke1317503Villa François1317504Lindenmeyer Cristina1297877FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910353340303321L'humain et ses prothèses3032985UNINA06609oam 22014774 450 991078834880332120230120051455.01-4623-0634-91-4527-9144-91-4518-7157-097866128423201-282-84232-3(CKB)3170000000055185(EBL)1608143(SSID)ssj0000940072(PQKBManifestationID)11483768(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000940072(PQKBWorkID)10947844(PQKB)10137075(MiAaPQ)EBC1608143(Au-PeEL)EBL1608143(OCoLC)867079269(MiAaPQ)EBC3013003(IMF)WPIEE2009010(EXLCZ)99317000000005518520020129d2009 uf 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBenford’s Law and Macroeconomic Data Quality /Jesus Gonzalez-Garcia, Gonzalo Pastor CamposWashington, D.C. :International Monetary Fund,2009.1 online resource (22 p.)IMF Working PapersDescription based upon print version of record.1-4519-1593-4 Contents; I. Introduction; II. Benford's Law and Testing Methodology; A. Benford's Law; B. Testing Methodology; III. Conformity of Macroeconomic Data with Benford's Law; IV. Comparison of Goodness of Fit Tests Results with ROSC Assessments of Data Quality; V. Can Tests of Conformity with Benford's Law be Considered Reliable Indicators of Macroeconomic Data Quality ?; VI. Conclusion; Text Tables; 1. Banking Survey Statistics: Goodness of Fit Tests; 2. Balance of Payments Statistics: Goodness of Fit Tests; 3. National Accounts Statistics: Goodness of Fit Tests4. Government Finance Statistics: Goodness of Fit Tests5. Rejections of Benford's Law and Shares of LNO and NO Ratings; Appendix: Country Groups and Data Series Used; Appendix Tables; A.1. Groups of Countries; A2. Data Series Tested; Text Figures; 1. Finland and Japan Nominal GDP; 2. Niger Nominal GDP, Household Consumption and Gross Fixed Capital Formation; ReferencesThis paper examines the usefulness of testing the conformity of macroeconomic data with Benford's law as indicator of data quality. Most of the macroeconomic data series tested conform with Benford's law. However, questions emerge on the reliability of such tests as indicators of data quality once conformity with Benford's law is contrasted with the data quality ratings included in the data module of the Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (data ROSCs). Furthermore, the analysis shows that rejection of Benford's law may be unrelated to the quality of statistics, and instead may result from marked structural shifts in the data series. Hence, nonconformity with Benford's law should not be interpreted as a reliable indication of poor quality in macroeconomic data.IMF Working Papers; Working Paper ;No. 2009/010Business & EconomicsHILCCEconomic TheoryHILCCInvestments: GeneralimfMacroeconomicsimfMoney and Monetary PolicyimfStatisticsimfEconometric and Statistical Methods: GeneralimfMethodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic DataimfData AccessimfMeasurement and Data on National Income and Product Accounts and WealthimfEnvironmental AccountsimfMonetary SystemsimfStandardsimfRegimesimfGovernment and the Monetary SystemimfPayment SystemsimfGeneral Aggregative Models: GeneralimfInvestmentimfCapitalimfIntangible CapitalimfCapacityimfData Collection and Data Estimation MethodologyimfComputer Programs: OtherimfCurrent Account AdjustmentimfShort-term Capital MovementsimfEconometrics & economic statisticsimfMonetary economicsimfCurrenciesimfNational accountsimfGross fixed investmentimfGovernment finance statisticsimfBalance of payments statisticsimfMoneyimfEconomic and financial statisticsimfNational incomeimfSaving and investmentimfFinanceimfBalance of paymentsimfUnited StatesimfBusiness & EconomicsEconomic TheoryInvestments: GeneralMacroeconomicsMoney and Monetary PolicyStatisticsEconometric and Statistical Methods: GeneralMethodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic DataData AccessMeasurement and Data on National Income and Product Accounts and WealthEnvironmental AccountsMonetary SystemsStandardsRegimesGovernment and the Monetary SystemPayment SystemsGeneral Aggregative Models: GeneralInvestmentCapitalIntangible CapitalCapacityData Collection and Data Estimation MethodologyComputer Programs: OtherCurrent Account AdjustmentShort-term Capital MovementsEconometrics & economic statisticsMonetary economicsCurrenciesNational accountsGross fixed investmentGovernment finance statisticsBalance of payments statisticsMoneyEconomic and financial statisticsNational incomeSaving and investmentFinanceBalance of payments339Gonzalez-Garcia Jesus1491219Pastor Campos Gonzalo1491220DcWaIMFBOOK9910788348803321Benford’s Law and Macroeconomic Data Quality3712967UNINA