01469oam 2200493 450 991071734710332120210414124035.0(CKB)5680000000021237(OCoLC)894349740(EXLCZ)99568000000002123720141102d1963 ua 0engurbn|||||||||txtrdacontentnrdamediancrdacarrierIndex to the Andrew Johnson papersWashington :Manuscript Division, Reference Department, Library of Congress,1963.1 online resource (xiii, 154 pages)Presidents' papers index seriesIncludes bibliographical references (page viii).ManuscriptsfastPolitics and governmentfastUnited StatesHistorySourcesUnited StatesPolitics and government1865-1869United StatesfastHistory.fastIndexes.fastSources.fastIndexes.lcgftManuscripts.Politics and government.Johnson Andrew1808-1875.825144OCLCEOCLCEOCLOCLCQGPOOCLCOGPOBOOK9910717347103321Index to the Andrew Johnson papers3550463UNINA01737nam 2200385z- 450 991034705410332120231214132847.01000039387(CKB)4920000000101975(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/55326(EXLCZ)99492000000010197520202102d2014 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierOptimisation of hysteretic losses in high-temperature superconducting wiresKIT Scientific Publishing20141 electronic resource (X, 218 p. p.)Karlsruher Schriftenreihe zur Supraleitung / Hrsg. Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Noe, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. M. Siegel3-7315-0185-6 Hysteretic loss optimisations through numerical simulation and subsequent experimental confirmation in transport current and background field measurements: ferromagnetic shielding and topological geometry optimisation is used to reduce energy dissipation in HTS coated conductor geometries. Single tapes and coil geometries are investigated. A 3D model capable of taking into account contact resistances is also presented for the Twisted Stacked Tape Conductor cable.FerromagneteshieldsSchildeWechselstrom Verlustesuperconductorhysteretic lossesferromagnetSupraleiterKrüger Philippauth1328627BOOK9910347054103321Optimisation of hysteretic losses in high-temperature superconducting wires3038746UNINA04564nam 2200961 450 991081692000332120230125190944.01-60649-911-4(CKB)2670000000571249(EBL)1815869(SSID)ssj0001548107(PQKBManifestationID)16145810(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001548107(PQKBWorkID)14797630(PQKB)10468737(OCoLC)893913745(CaBNVSL)swl00404145(Au-PeEL)EBL1815869(CaPaEBR)ebr10956090(CaONFJC)MIL651368(CaSebORM)9781606499108(MiAaPQ)EBC1815869(EXLCZ)99267000000057124920141025d2015 fy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrLeader evolution from technical expertise to strategic leadership /Alan PattersonFirst edition.New York, New York (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017) :Business Expert Press,2015.1 online resource (200 p.)Human resource management and organizational behavior collection,1946-5645Part of: 2014 digital library.1-60649-910-6 1-322-20088-2 Includes bibliographical references (pages 167-171) and index.1. A context for leadership development -- 2. Stage one: expertise -- 3. Stage two: credibility -- 4. Stage three: alignment and execution -- 5. Stage four: strategy -- 6. Defying gravity -- 7. Coda -- Notes -- References -- Index.Most individuals who move into leadership positions experience the modern day version of trial by ordeal. It's sink or swim. To reduce the learning curve and create a more effective process, Leader Evolution describes a road map for leadership development, a series of four stages that expand personal competence as well as create a broader impact on the organization or business. Each stage requires unique changes in thinking, perspective taking, and behavior, both those needed to acquire as well as those needed to jettison. The book is a pragmatic approach for self-motived individuals to take control of their professional development by giving them the concepts, tools, techniques, and assignments to develop their leadership effectiveness where it counts the most--on the job. In addition to new and existing managers, the book is ideally suited for technical professionals and leaders in technical organizations looking to develop critical leadership behaviors distinct from technical expertise. These include individuals who are moving on a technical rather than managerial track. The broad application of concepts and techniques also makes this book appealing to organizations developing their leaders as part of broad change initiatives. While the concepts and principles are directed toward the individual for on-the-job application, the book serves as an organizational and leadership development resource for Executive MBA programs as well as a blueprint for in-house leadership development programs.2014 digital library.Human resource management and organizational behavior collection.1946-5645Leadershipadaptabilityalignmentanalytical thinkingauthentic leadershipchange managementcoachingcompetency-basedcredibilitycultureemotional intelligencehigh performance organizationleadershipleadership developmentleadership styleleadership trainingmanagementmentormetacognitionmotivationpartnershipprofessional developmentstrategicstrategystrategic thinkingsuccession planningtalent developmenttalent managementteamworktechnical leadershiptrainingLeadership.658.4092Patterson Alan.1113465MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910816920003321Leader evolution4037892UNINA