02056nam 2200541z- 450 991034693960332120231214141123.01000007165(CKB)4920000000101126(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/46015(EXLCZ)99492000000010112620202102d2007 |y 0gerurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEinführung in die HydromechanikKIT Scientific Publishing20071 electronic resource (XIII, 225 p. p.)3-86644-158-4 Das vorliegende Lehrbuch ist ein Referenzwerk zur strömungsmechanischen Grundlagenvorlesung ""Hydromechanik"" und ermöglicht Fachfremden einen Einstieg in die Grundlagen der Beschreibung von Strömungen (Fluideigenschaften, Hydrostatik, Hydrodynamik, Impulsgleichung, Energiegleichung, Rohrströmungen, Experimentelle Hydromechanik, Fluidwiderstand an Oberflächen, Gerinneströmungen, Strömungskräfte auf Körper). Aufgaben, Video- und Multimediamaterial: http://hydro.ifh.uni-karlsruhe.de.EulergleichungStrömungswiderstandKontinuitätsgleichungcontinuity equationNavier-Stokes-GleichungAuftriebBernoullibuoyancyRohrströmungHydrostatiksteady flowStrömungsmechanikDimensionsanalyseKinematikbernoulliTurbulente StrömungHydrodynamikStationäre StrömungImpulsgleichungAllgemeine Transportgleichungmomentum equationtransport equationeuler equationJirka Gerhard Hauth632646BOOK9910346939603321Einführung in die Hydromechanik3030603UNINA04122nam 2200733 450 991078907340332120230803033816.03-11-029554-73-11-029553-910.1515/9783110295535(CKB)3390000000036786(EBL)955835(SSID)ssj0001002426(PQKBManifestationID)11649980(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001002426(PQKBWorkID)10997391(PQKB)10175563(MiAaPQ)EBC955835(DE-B1597)178566(OCoLC)858761782(OCoLC)979912242(DE-B1597)9783110295535(Au-PeEL)EBL955835(CaPaEBR)ebr10786177(CaONFJC)MIL805895(EXLCZ)99339000000003678620131124h20132013 uy 0engurnn#---|u||utxtccrScriptural authority in early Judaism and ancient Christianity /edited by Issac Kalimi, Tobias Nicklas, Geza G. XeravitsBerlin :De Gruyter,[2013]©20131 online resource (392 p.)Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies ;16Includes index.3-11-048795-0 3-11-029548-2 Front matter --Vorwort / Preface --Inhalt / Contents --Which Kind of Authority? The Authority of the Torah during the Hellenistic and the Roman Periods /Schorch, Stefan --Qoheleth and Scriptural Authority /Crenshaw, James L. --Pseudonymous Authorship and Structures of Authority in the Letter of Aristeas /Wright, Benjamin G. --Reframing Scripture: A Fresh Look at Baruch's So‐ Called "Citations" /Adams, Sean A. --Scriptural Authority and the Ancestor as its Teacher and Example in the Book of Tobit /Schöpflin, Karin --Ben Sira as Negotiator of Authoritative Traditions /Gregory, Bradley C. --Ein unkonventioneller Umgang mit der biblischen Autorität /Reiterer, Friedrich V. --"Set Your Desire on My Words": Authoritative Traditions in the Wisdom of Solomon /Glicksman, Andrew T. --Scriptural Authority in the Book of Jubilees /Endres, John C. --Die geheime Offenbarung - Zur Autorität der Schrift im IV Esra /Metzger, Paul --The Sources of Authority in Second Baruch /Tamási, Balázs --Writing Scripturally in the Testament of Job /Kugler, Rob --Authority of a Forgiven King: David's Psalms in the Letter to the Romans /Martos, Levente B. --Scriptural Authority in Q /Foster, Paul --Schriftgebrauch in der Stephanusepisode Apg 6,1-8,3 /Hötzinger, Heike --Frühchristliche Ansprüche auf die Schriften Israels /Nicklas, Tobias --Index of References --Index of SubjectsThe impact of earlier works to the literature of early Judaism is an intensively researched topic in contemporary scholarship. This volume is based on an international conference held at the Sapientia College of Theology in Budapest, May 18­­-21, 2010. The contributors explore scriptural authority in early Jewish literature and the writings of nascent Christianity. They study the impact of earlier literature in the formulation of theological concepts and books of the Second Temple Period.Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature StudiesChristianityJudaismDeuterocanonical literature.Second Temple Judaism.bible reception.scriptural authority.Christianity.Judaism.221.1BC 7800rvkKalimi Isaac942827Nicklas Tobias739698Xeravits Géza G931685International Conference on the Deuterocanonical BooksMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910789073403321Scriptural authority in early Judaism and ancient Christianity3823084UNINA