02366 am 22004573u 450 991034682540332120211214195603.03-631-71962-0(CKB)4340000000193975(MiAaPQ)EBC4939031(ScCtBLL)e7fe5cf9-9a14-4275-82af-2234957d84e4(PPN)229161456(EXLCZ)99434000000019397520170831h20172017 uy 0gerurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierDas neue Glücksspielrecht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Online-Glücksspielen /Stefanie Ruth FuchsFrankfurt am Main, [Germany] :Peter Lang Academic Research,2017.©20171 online resource (551 pages) illustrations, tablesSchriftenreihe zur Glucksspielforschung,1861-759X ;Band 173-631-71963-9 3-631-71965-5 Includes bibliographical references.Die Autorin leistet einen Beitrag zur Debatte über den Reformbedarf des Glücksspielrechts. Sie analysiert die Glücksspielregulierung gemäß dem GlüStV 2012, vergleicht diesen Vertrag mit den Regelungen des ehemaligen GlüG SH und überprüft ihn auf seine Verfassungs- und Unionsrechtskonformität. Hierzu behandelt sie die einschlägige Rechtsprechung (insbesondere vom EuGH, BVerfG, BVerwG sowie BGH) und bespricht die Stellungnahmen der EU-Kommission. Abschließend folgt eine ökonomische Analyse. Da Sportwettveranstalter für ihre Wettangebote die Sportdatenbanken der Sportveranstalter verwenden, beantwortet dieses Buch die Frage, welche Rechte den Sportveranstaltern nach derzeitiger Rechtslage an ihren Sportdatenbanken zustehen und ob es sinnvoll wäre, neue Rechte zu schaffen. Internet gamblingLaw and legislationGamblingLaw and legislationInternet gamblingLaw and legislation.GamblingLaw and legislation.344.0542Fuchs Stefanie Ruth923524MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910346825403321Das neue Glücksspielrecht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Online-Glücksspielen2072380UNINA04268nam 2200601 a 450 991073942970332120200520144314.01-283-90929-43-642-34676-610.1007/978-3-642-34676-7(CKB)3400000000102835(EBL)1082832(OCoLC)823728257(SSID)ssj0000811155(PQKBManifestationID)11495106(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000811155(PQKBWorkID)10846751(PQKB)10528849(DE-He213)978-3-642-34676-7(MiAaPQ)EBC1082832(PPN)168327368(EXLCZ)99340000000010283520121022d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrInnovation management in knowledge intensive business services in China /Shunzhong Liu1st ed. 2013.New York Springer20121 online resource (80 p.)SpringerBriefs in business,2191-5482Description based upon print version of record.3-642-34675-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.1. The Concepts and Characteristics of Knowledge Intensive Business Services -- Concept of Knowledge Intensive Business Services -- Typology of Knowledge Intensive Business Services -- Characteristic of Knowledge Intensive Business Service -- 2. Innovative Characteristics of Knowledge Intensive Business Services -- Theory of Service Innovation -- The Characteristic of Service Innovation -- Model of Service Innovation -- Method -- Sample -- Measures -- Analysis and Results -- Descriptive Statistics -- Statistical Analysis -- Discussion -- 3. New Service Development Performance -- Introduction -- A Literature Review on NSD Performance Dimension -- Conceptual Framework of NSD Performance -- Financial Performance -- Customer Performance -- Internal Process Performance -- Learning and Growth Performance -- Research Method -- Level of NSD Performance Measure -- Research Subject -- Item and Scale Construction -- Analyses -- Conclusion -- 4. Identifying Determinants of Top Performing New Service Development Activities -- Introduction -- Research Conceptualization -- Macro Level Dimensions -- Meso Level Dimensions -- Micro Level Variable -- Research Methods -- Pretests and Measures -- Sample and Procedure -- Performance Measure -- Identification of the Predictive Factors for Top Performing NSD Activities -- Finds -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- 5. Knowledge Intensive Service Activities in Chinese Software Industry -- The Innovative Source of Manufacturing Informationization -- Classification of Manufacturing Informationization Technologies -- The Relationship of Different Manufacturing Informationization Technologies -- The Characteristics of Manufacturing Informationization -- Conclusion -- Performance of software Industry in China -- The indictors Measuring the Inputs and Outputs of Software Industry -- The Theory of DEA -- Data Processing Method and Result -- Conclusion -- Reference.In a knowledge-based economy, the development of a particular type of services, knowledge intensive business services (KIBS), becomes one of the characteristic trends in economic evolution. Current research focuses mainly on service innovation in developed countries, but little consideration is given to the situation in developing countries. Based on empirical research in the People’s Republic of China, this book aims to contribute to a better appreciation and understanding of the innovative characteristics of KIBSs in developing countries.SpringerBriefs in Business,2191-5482Knowledge managementChinaTechnological innovationsChinaKnowledge managementTechnological innovations658.4658.4062Liu Shunzhong1424545MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910739429703321Innovation Management in Knowledge Intensive Business Services in China3553801UNINA