03358nam 2200961z- 450 991055728400332120231214133348.0(CKB)5400000000041200(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/69414(EXLCZ)99540000000004120020202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGreen Coal Mining Techniques 2020Basel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (174 p.)3-03943-589-2 3-03943-590-6 Coal mining continues to make advances, especially in the areas of safety and environmental protection as a result of mining. This book contains nine peer-reviewed articles on green coal mining that address most of the important issues associated with improving coal mining. These issues include the protection of water above coal mines, both surface and ground water, and the subsidence that occurs during and after mining with methods to limit it and methods of rehabilitation. Additional issues include mine entry and production area support and methods to control gas emissions.History of engineering & technologybicsscdecision makingmanagementminesmulti-criteria analysisprojectriskrestorationcoal ganguegeopolymermechanical activationthermal activationmechanical propertymicrostructurewater protectionwater-conservation coal mining (WCCM)influencing factors“five mapsthree zonesand two zoning plans”water conductive fractured zone (WCFZ)acoustic emission (AE)coaldeep miningmining layoutslignitereclamationrehabilitationland usedecision-makingoptimisationsustainabilitylongwall coal miningground controlsubsidenceupliftsurface movementradar-interferometrylong-term behaviorsustainable miningBelgiumfoamed concreteorthogonal experimentoptimum mixcoal mine goafgas isolationlongwall miningweak geological conditiongate-entry stabilityremaining coal thicknesswooden cribsgangueload-displacement characteristicspressure-compressibility characteristicsHistory of engineering & technologySpearing A.J.Sedt1291778Spearing A.J.SothBOOK9910557284003321Green Coal Mining Techniques 20203021911UNINA04460nam 22005415 450 991015044970332120200714014208.03-662-48918-X10.1007/978-3-662-48918-5(CKB)3710000000943198(DE-He213)978-3-662-48918-5(MiAaPQ)EBC4734215(PPN)197133215(EXLCZ)99371000000094319820161107d2016 u| 0gerurnn|008mamaatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrier3000 Jahre Analysis Geschichte - Kulturen - Menschen /von Thomas Sonar2nd ed. 2016.Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer Berlin Heidelberg :Imprint: Springer Spektrum,2016.1 online resource (XXIV, 712 S. 383 Abb., 259 Abb. in Farbe.) Vom Zählstein zum Computer3-662-48917-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Prolog: 3000 Jahre Analysis -- Das Kontinuum in der griechisch-hellenistischen Antike -- Wie Wissen wandert - Vom Orient zum Okzident -- Kontinuum und Atomistik in der Scholastik -- Indivisible und Infinitesimale in der Renaissance -- An der Wende vom 16. zum 17. Jahrhundert -- Newton und Leibniz - Giganten und Widersacher -- Absolutismus, Aufklärung, Aufbruch zu neuen Ufern -- Auf dem Weg zu begrifflicher Strenge im 19. Jahrhundert -- An der Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert: Mengenlehre und die Suche nach dem wahren Kontinuum -- Ein Kreis schließt sich: Infinitesimale in der Nichtstandardanalysis -- Analysis auf Schritt und Tritt -- Literatur -- Abbildungsverzeichnis -- Personenregister -- Sachwortregister.Was ist eigentlich Analysis? Was sind unendlich kleine und unendlich große Größen, Indivisible und Infinitesimale? Was bedeuten Begriffe wie reelle Zahl, Stetigkeit, Kontinuum, Differential und Integral? Die Antwort gibt dieses Buch: Ausführlich werden darin Entstehung und Entwicklung dieser grundlegenden Begriffe des von Euler "Analysis des Unendlichen" genannten Teilgebietes der Mathematik von der Antike bis heute beschrieben, durch viele Figuren und farbige Abbildungen illustriert und in Tabellen zusammengefasst. All dies wird eingebettet in die historischen und kulturellen Ereignisse der einzelnen Epochen, die Lebensläufe der um Erkenntnis ringenden Gelehrten und kurze Einblicke in die von ihnen entwickelten modernen Teilgebiete der Analysis sowie deren Anwendungen in fast allen Bereichen unseres Lebens. Dieser Band ist eine wertvolle Fortsetzung der Reihe "Vom Zählstein zum Computer", von dem der Wissenschaftshistoriker E. Knobloch sagt, es sei eine Lust, dieses Buch zu lesen. Stimmen zur 1. Auflage "Drei Wünsche auf einmal erfüllt. Das Buch "3000 Jahre Analysis" ist alles andere als ein[e] trockene Aneinanderreihung von mathematischen Fakten und Formeln: Es ist vielmehr eine gelungene Mischung aus Lehr-, Sach- und Geschichtsbuch in einem, das sehr anschaulich und lebendig geschrieben ist. Der Autor Thomas Sonar hat es verstanden, die Geschichte der Analysis anschaulich, spannend und voller interessanter Details aufzuschreiben." Florian Modler, Spektrum der Wissenschaft "Das Buch […] ist einfach wunderbar. Jeder […] nimmt natürlich mit einer gewissen Erwartung dieses Buch in die Hand, und man wird nicht enttäuscht! ... Es macht wirklich Spaß, in dem Buch zu schmökern." Peter Littelmann, Mitteilungen der DMV Herausgeber Projektgruppe Geschichte der Mathematik der Universität Hildesheim H.-W. Alten Kl.-J. Förster K.-H. Schlote H. Wesemüller-Kock.Vom Zählstein zum ComputerMathematicsHistoryMathematical analysisAnalysis (Mathematics)History of Mathematical Scienceshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/M23009Analysishttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/M12007Mathematics.History.Mathematical analysis.Analysis (Mathematics).History of Mathematical Sciences.Analysis.510.9Sonar Thomasauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut767915BOOK99101504497033213000 Jahre Analysis2845365UNINA11037nam 22030733a 450 991034669140332120250203235434.09783038979753303897975910.3390/books978-3-03897-975-3(CKB)4920000000094755(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/41073(ScCtBLL)44bebce5-4f6a-4425-ab22-0f3f79428a79(OCoLC)1163853728(EXLCZ)99492000000009475520250203i20192019 uu engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierApplications of Power Electronics: Volume 1Frede Blaabjerg, Pooya Davari, Tomislav DragicevicBasel, Switzerland :MDPI,2019.1 electronic resource (476 p.)9783038979746 3038979740 Power electronics technology is still an emerging technology, and it has found its way into many applications, from renewable energy generation (i.e., wind power and solar power) to electrical vehicles (EVs), biomedical devices, and small appliances, such as laptop chargers. In the near future, electrical energy will be provided and handled by power electronics and consumed through power electronics; this not only will intensify the role of power electronics technology in power conversion processes, but also implies that power systems are undergoing a paradigm shift, from centralized distribution to distributed generation. Today, more than 1000 GW of renewable energy generation sources (photovoltaic (PV) and wind) have been installed, all of which are handled by power electronics technology. The main aim of this book is to highlight and address recent breakthroughs in the range of emerging applications in power electronics and in harmonic and electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues at device and system levels as discussed in robust and reliable power electronics technologies, including fault prognosis and diagnosis technique stability of grid-connected converters and smart control of power electronics in devices, microgrids, and at system levels.Q-factorlithium-ion power battery packelectromagnetic field (EMF)expert systemstotal harmonic distortion (THD)current-fed inverterrotor designclass-D amplifierLCL-S topologycurrent switching ripplesystem in packageenergy storage modellingsmart micro-gridembedded systemsequivalent inductanceSHILpermanent magnetstatic var generator (SVG)permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM)control strategy and algorithmdigital controlzero-voltage switching (ZVS)SOC estimatorelectric poweroptimal designelectromagnetic field interference (EMI)line frequency instabilityanalog phase controlfive-phase permanent magnet synchronous machinedistribution generationleakage inductanceadjacent two-phase open circuit fault (A2-Ph)chaotic PWMelectric vehiclesCMOS chaotic circuitseries active filtercascaded topologytotal demand distortionefficiency motortriangular ramp generator4T analog MOS controlinductive couplinginduction machinesnanocrystalline coresemi-active bridgemulti-level controlsimulation modelsvoltage source inverters (VSI)battery management system BMSvoltage source convertercurrent control loopsdroop controlparticle swarm optimizationvariable control gainstate of charge SoCextended Kalman filtertransient controlmulti-objective optimizationcomposite equalizerconverterDHILfive-leg voltage source inverteraxial flux machinesbifurcationactive receiversfield programmable gate arrayNyquist stability analysiselectric vehiclestatic compensatorstabilitycommon-mode inductorDC-DC converterssupport vector machineselectromagnetic compatibilityreal-time simulationpassive equalizationmatrix converterswireless power transferdigital phase controlcompensation topologyvolt-per-hertz control (scalar control)switching lossesvoltage controlhybrid converterbidirectional convertercoupling factorselective harmonic elimination methodpower electronicssoft switchingoptimization designmultilevel inverterfive-phase machinephase-shift controllithium-ion batteryvoltage boostVPI active damping controlparameter identificationelectrical engineering communicationscurrent controlDC-DC conversionbattery management systemGaN cascodesingle-switchhigh-frequency modelingsynchronous motorpower qualitywater purificationpower factor correction (PFC)composite active vectors modulation (CVM)digital signal controllerline startpower densityhardware in loopfault diagnosismulti-level converter (MLC)induction motordual three-phase (DTP) permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs)neural networkselectromagnetic interference filterbattery chargerspower converterharmonicsmultiphase space vector modulationtorque ripplepower factor correctionelectrical drivesmodular multilevel converter (MMC)active power filterdouble layer capacitor (DLC) modelsPMSGresponse timeresonator structurefloating-pointeffect factorsDC-link voltage controlsliding mode controlphasor model techniquewireless power transfer (WPT)slim DC-link drivefault-tolerant controllithium-ion batteriesDC-AC power convertersconducting angle determination (CAD) techniquesvariable speed pumped storage systemimpedance-based modelone cycle controlrenewable energy sourcesseries-series compensationcogging torqueactive rectifiersthree-level boost converter (TLBC)DC-link cascade H-bridge (DCLCHB) inverterbattery energy storage systemsfilterpower management systemimproved extended Kalman filterdead-time compensationdisturbance observerreference phase calibrationfrequency lockingspace vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM)predictive controllersnine switch convertertransmission linespread-spectrum techniqueenergy storageelectromagnetic interferencerenewable energy resources controlharmonic linearizationmisalignmentplug-in hybrid electric vehicleshigh level programingnearest level modulation (NLM)magnetic equivalent circuitEMI filterpermanent-magnet machinesreal-time emulationswitched capacitorback EMFfixed-pointHF-link MPPT convertercondition monitoringWPT standardsswitching frequencyswitching frequency modellinghigh frequency switching power supplyfield-programmable gate arraythree-phase bridgeless rectifierice meltingAC-DC power convertershybrid power filterPSpicemicrogrid controltotal harmonic distortiongrid-connected inverterdynamic PV modelfuzzyboost converterSiC PV Supplyvoltage doublingnonlinear controldistributed controlpower system operation and controlone phase open circuit fault (1-Ph)direct torque control (DTC)battery modelingnon-linear phenomenafrequency-domain analysisadvanced controllersvector controlfixed-frequency double integral sliding-mode (FFDISM)power convertersmodulation indexDC-DC buck convertersmall signal stability analysisactive equalizationvoltage source inverterhardware-in-the-loopcurrent sourcesynchronizationgrid-connected VSIsynchronous generatorfault tolerant controlBlaabjerg Frede1136039Davari PooyaDragicevic TomislavScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910346691403321Applications of Power Electronics: Volume 14320771UNINA